Updated: June
page covers the EU development regarding renewable energy targets from
1995 to 2004.
the publication of the communication "The
Share of Renewable Energy in the EU" in 2004, further steps
have been made with the adoption of a 20% renewables targets
by Ministers in 2007 and
the publication of the Climate
and Energy Package in 2008. Read about the Package including
the 20 % RE target by 2020, or separately about the RE
Target of
20 % by 2020.
Index of this
Page: |
· Will
the 12% Target Be Met by 2010? Read |
· Countries
Agreed Further Actions, November 2004 Read |
· Targets
for Electricity & Transport 2001 & 2003 Read |
· White
Paper for Renewable Energy: Targets for Electricity and Transport
1997 (COM(97)599final) Read |
the 12% Target Be Met by 2010?
development of windpower and solar PV has been above the expectations
of the 1997-White Paper for Renewable Energy (see
below), while the development of biomass has been less than expected.
A communication
from the Commission, "The
Share of Renewable Energy in the EU" (COM
2004-366), May 2004, stated that with the current measures and
policies in place the 15 "old" EU countries will only reach
9% renewable energy by 2010, up from 6% on 2000. In 2005, the renewables
share in
final energy consumption for the EU was about 8.5%.
Agreed Further Actions 2004
Nov. 29, 2004 the EU Energy Ministers met and discussed the
communication from the Commission. They agreed a number of additional activities
to increase the use of renewable energy, including:
and cooling with renewable energy need further attention. As a
first step, the EU Commission was invited to assess the potential
and the barriers. With this conclusion, the countries delayed
progress in this important area, but they also started a process
which is hopefully leading to the necessary action.
proposed biomass action plan was welcomed, and should include a
number of important aspects
for increase of biomass use in a sustainable way.
The action plan was finally published in December 2005.
A conference should be
organised for renewable-energy policy-makers
in the EU.
on distribution of large amounts of renewable energy through the
electric grid should be increased, in particular to integrate
windpower, including electricity from off-shore wind parks.
Renewable energy should
be given adequate priority in EU funding. Unfortunately, the countries
did not specify the type of funding or any desired
increase, e.g., in structural funds for renewable energy.
The EU countries should
continue to use their influence to strengthen renewable-energy deployment
policies in relevant international
The countries did not agree a revision of the 12% target, but they
did not confirm it either.
for Electricity & Transport 2001 & 2003
With the directives for renewable
energy in electricity (2001) and biofuels/renewable
energy in transport (2003), specific targets
have been established of respectively 22% renewable electricity and
5.75% renewable transport energy by 2010. The electricity target is
consisting of non-binding (indicative) targets for the 15 "old" EU countries;
but the Commission has some possibility to introduce mandatory targets
the EU-wide target is not met. The biofuels target is a "reference
value" for
national target that should be established in 2004. No specific target
is set for renewable energy for heating that
the largest
overall target according to the White Paper.
Paper for Renewable Energy: Targets for Electricity and Transport
1997 (COM(97)599final)
Just before the Climate Convention
Conference in Kyoto in December 1997, where the Kyoto Protocol was
agreed, the EU Commission presented a
Renewable Energy. The paper made proposals for increased use
of renewable energy and an aim of doubling the use of renewable energy
from 5.2% in
to 12% in 2010. In the analysis behind the paper was proposed increases
of all types of renewable energy. The sources were expected
to be:
- solid biomass for cogeneration of heat and electricity, increase
of 32 Mtoe
- solid biomass for heating, increase of 25 Mtoe
- liquid biomass, mainly for transport, increase of 18 Mtoe
- biogas & landfill
gas, 15 Mtoe
- windpower, 40,000 MW, increase of 6.5 Mtoe
- hydropower, increase of 4.15 Mtoe
- solar heating, increase of 3,74 Mtoe
- geothermal for heat and for cogeneration, increase of 2.7 Mtoe
- Solar PV, increase of 0.26 Mtoe
- Passive solar,
increase of 10-25 Mtoe
With passive solar
increase of 10Mtoe, and increase of energy consumption of 16% this will
renewable energy use to 12.0 % using the Eurostat
Convention (with the "substitution principle" it will give
15%). The biomass sectors, together 90 Mtoe increase, are expected to
be the most
important. Almost half of the biomass is expected
to come from energy crops (27 Mtoe as solids and 18 Mtoe as liquid
biofuels though some biofuels could also come from residues). If the
solid biomass comes from energy forests it would cover 6.3 mill ha (4.5%
the 141
ha of
agricultural area), but with special high yielding crops it can be smaller.
1995 the EU countries welcomed the White Paper and agreed to use the
target as an indicative target or guideline for development. The
target was later included in EU's climate policy as one of the major
building blocks elements to reach 8% reductions in greenhouse gases.
Read the White Paper
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