Note: The DIERET education stopped in 2011.
The text material is still available free on the internet, but you
cannot make a course.
The reason is that there is no funding for the work to make the course. We
presently looking for funding for update the material.
Comments, ideas for funding opportunities are welcome.
Post-graduate Program
was a freely available educational program in the period
of 1999-2010. There was a set
of questions to which the students had to answer after
they have read the study material. The
answers were evaluated by the Secretariat. The study course
was running in electronic form without any paper
except that on which the certificate was issued by INFORSE
to the graduates of the course.
text material is still available:
The 300 pages of digital course material
include 450 illustrations in
five modules: Why Renewables?; Solar Energy; Biomass Energy;
Hydro Power; Wind Energy; Alternative Fuels for Transportation
(New in 2006), and Annex Chapters: Organizing and Policy
Making, and Units.
could Attend?
the course was an opportunity for member organisations
to update their knowledge on the current state of renewable technology
and their utilization. The course also helped
NGO members
use reliable arguments in campaigns and lobbying
for sustainable energy development as well as in advising people
how to use renewables. The course was offered free.
Original version was coordinated by Emil Bedi, INFORSE-Europe
/ FAE Slovakia
Web site:
and >> START
A new updated
version is under way. It is planed to be online in 2024.
in Ukrainian in 2023 !
Ukrainian version is at dieret.rea.org.ua/uk
Version in Russian, Slovak and Albanian
- In 2003-04, the material was translated to Russian and Albanian from the support
of the Danish Outdoor Council's Small Project Fund. In 2003-04, the first groups
of the Russian and the Albanian DIERET students completed their studies and received
certificates. The 45 students that finished the Russian DIERET were from Ukraine,
Russia, Moldova and Belarus. 24 students completed the Albanian version.
- In 2007, the Russian material was used in Kazakhstan in the framework of a
Kazak, cooperation project by INFORSE members (REA and Ecomuseum).
Russian Version:
INFORSE member organisation, Renewable Energy Agency (REA), Ukraine
Description: https://rea.org.ua/library/42/ Web
link: http://dieret.rea.org.ua
Slovakian Version:
INFORSE-Europe Coordinator/ FAE Slovakia
Web: www.inforse.org/europe/fae/ Why
and Renewables
and transport: www.inforse.org/europe/fae/DOPRAVA
Albanian Version:
Albanian version is not online.
Contact: Albanian Ecological Club, Attn. Ali