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INFORSE-Europe & Nuclear Energy

Don't Nuke the ClimateShut Down FessenheimDon't Nuke the ClimateDon't nuke the climateFor a Nuclear free World1 Million Europeans Demand the Exit of Nuclear PowerStop K2R4Chernobyls NO MoreNo uranium mining No nuclear weapons

Protests Against Nuclear

INFORSE-Europe proposes a general phase-out of nuclear power.
Read about the interventions in debates and actions.

Don't nuke the climate

# Don't Nuke the Climate

Read on Actions, Activities, Petition at ""


Dont' Nuke the Climate: Welcome to Nuke Land: Where Deams Don't come true# March 21-22, 2024
Anti Nuclear Protest adressing the Nuclear Energy Summit in Brussels hosted by IAEA.
THE IAEA’S NUCLEAR FAIRY TALES: The International Atomic Energy Agency’s promotion of nuclear power enables nuclear weapons production, delivers false promises on climate and puts millions at risk.
INFORSE-Europe Joined Statements of 500+ civil society organisations:
- Dont' Nuke the Climate: Welcome to Nuke Land: Where Deams DO NOT Come True:

Statement against IAEA's Nuclear-Fairy-Tales signed by 600+ organisations and several networks.

CAN-Europe: Myth buster: Nuclear energy is a dangerous distraction # March 21-22, 2024
Anti Nuclear Protest adressing the Nuclear Energy Summit in Brussels hosted by IAEA.

INFORSE-Europe Joined Statement of Climate Action Network-Europe, CAN-Europe:
Myth Buster: Nuclear Energy is a Dangerous Distraction (6 Myths vs 6 Facts and conclusion), Brochure, and CAN-Europe Press Release.

Download brochure from websites of CAN-Europe and of INFORSE-Europe.


Nuclear phase out graphNuclear Phase-out: How renewables, energy savings and flexibility can replace nuclear in Europe.# March 21, 2014:
European Environmental Bureau - EEB Launched a new Paris Agreement Compatible (PAC) Scenario without nuclear:

Title: Nuclear Phase-out: How renewables, energy savings and flexibility can replace nuclear in Europe.




# March 21-22, 2024 GREENPEACE ACTION - Stop Illusion of the Nuclear Fairy Tales
Disruption at a Pro-Nuclear Summit in Brussels: Greenpeace activists carried banners reading "Nuclear Fairy Tale" and "Stop illusion". At the same time, activists also slowed down the opening of the Summit by blocking the main access road. The summit was co-hosted by the Belgian Prime Minister Alexander de Croo and the International Atomic Energy Agency, and featured several heads of state including French President Emmanuel Macron as well as some 300 nuclear industry delegations. The gathering aimed to accelerate the goal of tripling global nuclear energy capacity by 2050, a goal the protestors denounce as pure fantasy. Read more at: Greenpeace action and press release

# March 21, 2024: BEYOND NUCLEAR was in action against IAEA Fairy Tale:
More than 600 organizations from around the world signed a declaration condemning the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and its Nuclear Energy Summit in Brussels (March 21-22, 2024, and 40 organizations were represented at a demonstration exposing the fairy tales being spun inside the conference. This counterpunch also featured by Beyond Nuclear through handing out a Nuclear Fairy Tale "The Lying Piper of Nukeland", and a Pamphlet outlining the hypocrisy of the IAEA. You are free to download and use the fairy tale and the pamphlet. Read more: Beyond Nuclear.
You can also download the publications of Beyonf Nuclear from INFORSE-Europe's website: Nuclear Fairy Tale, and IAEAs Nuclear Fairy Tale Pamphlet


Anti-nuclear Human Chain# March 12, 2024
March 12, 2024, Time: 12.00
Anti-nuclear Human Chain demonstration in Strasboug in front of the European Parliament

In the context of the next European elections and the commemoration of the Fukushima disaster (March 11, 2011), we ask the candidates to commit, without compromise, to a European turn towards renewable energies and a green taxonomy without greenwashing or nuclear energy. We ask to abolish the obsolete EURATOM treaty and to vote for a treaty for the development of renewable energies. The European EU Parlamentarians have a responsibility to oppose the lobbying of multinationals and make clear decisions for the future of the planet
INFORSE-Europe co-signed the petition together with 50 organisations and networks from 12 European countries (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Netherlands, Romania, Russia.

Join and read more at in French, English, and German:
Download the petiton text with signatures



# November 28, 2022
Press release on the Necessity of EU Constitutional Reform in the Energy Field
- Euroatom Treaty

Read it here as pdf (0,3 MB) or on the website here


No greenwashing of nuclear and fossil gas letter to EU 15.11.2021# November 15, 2021 - INFORSE joining Letter to EU No Green Washing of Nuclear Energy and Fossil Gas - Letter to Olaf Scholz Federal Minister of Finance and Vice Chancellor by 129 NGOs
- Save the Green Deal: Take action to prevent nuclear energy and fossil gas from being labelled as green!
Read it from INFORSE-Europe website: Letter to EU by129 NGOs NO_nuclear_fossilgas_in_taxonomy or from CAN-Europe web site:

Dont Nuke the Climate # November, 2021 - INFORSE joined 460+ NGOs on a statement for UNFCCC COP26 "Don't Nuke the Climate"
Read & Join: and Watch Press Conference "Why nuclear cannot solve the climate crisis"


100% renewables# November 2, 2021 INFORSE Joined Global 100% Renewables Platform Declaration to UNFCCC COP26
The Platorm includes CAN-International, Greenpeace, Eurosolar, EREF, BEE; ICLEI, INFORSE, ISES, Fraunhofer Institute, ISEP, Renewable Cities, WWEA, World Future Council, Beyond Zero, Sierra Club, Mali Folkecenter
Read: Download pdf:


NGOs demand a fully renewable energy system by 2040 in Europe.# October 20, 2021
INFORSE-Europe joining CAN-Europe Campaign Statement: NGOs demand a fully renewable energy system by 2040 in Europe.


INFORSE East Africa Position to COP26# October 15, 2021 INFORSE East Africa Position to UNFCCC COP26
Download from INFORSE-Africa Positions and pdf file





CherNObyl NO More # April 26, 2021 - Chernobyl Catastrophy 35 Years Ago

"No to More New Chernobyls" Civil Society Actions in Ukraine. Read more and link to film with English subtitle at Ecoaction in Ukraine.
Read more at Heinrich-Boell-Stiftung' web site: Nuclear Power in Europe: 35 Years After the Chernobyl Disaster and Analysis: Nuclear Power in the European Union. Nuclear Information and Resource Service (NIRS)' web site: NIRS's Chernobyl Resource Page, and the solutions: 100% renewables scenarios at INFORSE's web site, and REA's Review of Climate Action and the Transition to Sustainable Energy in Ukraine; Proposal of the Ukrainian civil society: Roadmap 2030, and the INFORSE-ASET Sustainable Energy Scenario for Ukraine.

Letter to EC by 115 MEP and NGOs Keep the Renewable Energy Directive# 31 March 2021 - Letter to EC by 115 MEP and NGOs Keep the Renewable Energy Directive for renewables – “low-carbon” fuels and non-renewable energies should not be included in any provision of the Renewable Energy Directive
INFORSE-Europe joined a letter signed by 115 MEPs, NGOs, renewable associations and companies wrote to Executive Vice-President, Frans Timmermans, Commissioner Kadri Simson, EC Director-General, Ditte Juul-Jorgensen asking them to exclude fossil fuels & nuclear (non-renewables) from the upcoming Renewables Directive. Greenwashing won't solve the climate crisis. Renewables will.
Signed by associations and companies include: Association of European Energy Research Centres (EUREC), Bellona Europe, Bioenergy-Europe, CAN-Europe, Climate Bonds, Coopernico, Eco-union, Enel, Energy Cities, Environmental Coalition on Standards (ECOS), European Environmental Bureau (EEB), European Geothermal Energy Council (EGEC), European Heat Pump Association (EHPA), European Renewable Energy Federation (EREF), European Solar Thermal Electricity Association (ESTELA), Global Witness, Health Care Without Harm (HCWH), Europe, Iberdrola, International Network on Sustainable Energy (INFORSE), Negative Emissions Platform, Ocean Energy Europe, Renewable Heating & Cooling Alliance, Sandbag, Solar Heat Europe, SolarPower Europe, Transport & Environment (T&E), Turboden, and WindEurope.
Read the statement: at letter RED4RES-31.03.2021, and at EGEC.ORG.

Fukushima 10 years ago# March 11, 2021 Fukushima Disaster 10 Years Ago

Read March 2021 issue of Nuclear Monitor

Communique to Urge EC: Nuclear is NOT sustainable! -02-04-2020# 19 December 2020 - Taxonomy Consultation Response Concerning Nuclear Investments
INFORSE-Europe response to EU's taxonomy or taxonomy, for investments compatible with climate and environmental targetstogether with 300+ organizations call on public development banks to stop funding harmful projects and protect people and the planet by putting democracy, justice, equity, human rights and sustainability at the heart of their operations.


Communique to Urge EC: Nuclear is NOT sustainable! -02-04-2020# April 2, 2020 - Communique to Urge EC: Nuclear is NOT Sustainable!
NO to Nuclear in the EU Technical Expert Group on Sustainable Finance (TEG).
Signed by 53 Pan-European NGO networks (incl. INFORSE-Europe, FoE Europe, WECF, EEB), national NGOs, and institutes.

The letter was sent to Valdis Dombrovskis (Executive Vice President, EC), Kadri Simson (Commissioner, DG ENERGY), Frans Timmermans (Executive Vice President, EC).

Nuclear is a dangerous illusion to fight climate change. Nuclear is NOT sustainable. It has high risk, high costs, slow, uneconomic, vulnerable to accidents, disasters, stucks funds and political attention from renewable energy and energy efficiency. Possibility of accidents and its economic liability must be factored into the decision making.
Download the letter from: INFORSE-Europe site: Communique (pdf) and Nuclear Consulting Group (Communique pdf)
and More: Download background from Taxonomy Technical Report, June 2019 and Final Report of the Technical Expert Group on Sustainable Finance. March 2020.

Don't nuke the climateApril 1-3 2019 - CLIMATE-SDG SYNERGY CONFERENCE, COPENHAGEN

CSO letter: NO to Nuclear as Climate Solution, YES to Renewables and People Powered Solutions
by Women Major Group, UNFCCC Women & Gender Constituency, and INFORSE.
Download the CSO letter to the UN (pdf)

UNFCCC COP24# 13 December, 2018: Petition at UNFCCC COP24
Stop False Climate Solutions - Do Not Support Nuclear Power at COP24
Read: Petition at NIRS, Article in ECO: A Wolf in Sheeps Clothing, and Article
by Tim Judson (NIRS): How nuclear industry lobby was stopped at COP24.

CherNObyl NO More # 26 April 2016 - CherNObyl+30

INFORSE members were active in several forums marking the Chernobyl nuclear power plant's catastrophe that happened 30 years ago.
The message was to urge for transitions to sustainable energy immediately!

There is a radical change taking place in the energy sector towards renewable energy and energy efficiency all over the world. The myth about
"high prices of green energy" is gone.

Rising numbers of countries are moving towards increasing the renewable shares of their energy supplies. Even France, the leading "nuclear" state, adopted the energy-transition law last year, which set to decrease the nuclear share in the electricity mix down to 50% (from 75% today) by 2025.

In Minsk, Belarus, experts reviewed the progress made by the European and global energy sectors during the past 30 years since the Chernobyl catastrophe, and the likely development trends in the next 3 decades. They discussed ways in which Belarus, one of the countries that were most affected by the Chernobyl disaster and that still continue to suffer from its consequences, can make use of the opportunities available today to move towards a sustainable energy model.

24 April, 2016: International Conference "Chernobyl + 30" in Minsk, Belarus
The Conference reviewed the consequences of the Chernobyl NPP disaster, renewable energies development, energy conservation and energy efficiency, current trends in the EC Energy policy and possible energy strategies for Belarus. The Forum discussed the opportunities available today to move towards a sustainable energy model, without nuclear power.
The conference was held under the auspices of the Belarus NGO Association "Green Network" with the support of the Kiev branch of Heinrich Boll Foundation (Germany), the World Wind Energy Association, European Green Party and the Belarus party "The Greens".
News on the event: UWEA, and the European Green Party.

1 April, 2016: XXX Catalan Conference for a Future Without Nuclear Energy and Sustainable in Barcelona, Spain.
Organised by the Spanish INFORSE member GCTPFNN, coorganised by Eurosolar, INFORSE, and many others.
Program in Spanish at:

26 April, 2016: A coalition of organizations and activists organized more than 30 events in six countries.
Among the highlights are:
In Belarus: "Chernobyl Week" including performances, exhibitions, film screenings and the International Conference "Chernobyl + 30".
In Kharkov: Poster exhibitions on Chernobyl and Fukushima, and the Russian ecologist Alexei Yablokov presented a new edition of the book
"Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for human and nature."

Actions by the coalition of organisations:

7 april, 2016 Public Conference "30 years since Chernobyl: Witnesses of the past & nuclear power today" in Brussels, Belgium
organised by the EU Greens. Read more on the Program, film, analysis on EU nuclear industry, and that the Greens Reject the EU Commissions "rosy" Vision of nuclear power. at

Action Days by FoE organisations:

Action Week by the International Chernobyl Network:

Greenpeace report:
"Nuclear Scars: The lasting legacy of Chernobyl and Fukushima" download the report from

Coverage in all media including CNN, BBC, Guardian, ABC News, Economists, Time, and National Geography.

# REMEMBER and learn from the past: April, 26
International Day in Memory of Victims of Radiation Accidents and Catastrophes
This was proclaimed by the United Nations in 2003 - supporting a joint proposal of the Republic of Belarus, the Russian Federation and

# Chernobyl+30 & Fukushima +5
February 26-28 2016, Chernobyl Congress in Berlin, Germany
Read program, speakers and proceedings:

Don't nuke the climate # 12 December, 2015: Mass Demonstration
Sign Petition & Virtual March
" Don't Nuke the Climate", Paris, France.

JOIN the Campaign launched by WISE, NIRS, WECF, Reseau "Sortir du nucleaire", BI Luchow-Dannenberg, Ecodefense, and Global 2000. INFORSE signed the Petition.
Whether you come to Paris or not, you can SIGN the PETITION and already JOIN the VIRTUAL MARCH.
Read more on the Campaign, the March in Paris on the 12 December, Join the Virtual March with online banner with your own message, and Sign the Petition on the website of WISE: Campaign.
Direct Link to sign the Petition for organisations (WISE) and for Individuals (NIRS).

Logo CAN Climate action Network - antinuce position# 30 March, 2015 - Climate Action Network Position
A Sustainable Energy World Without Nuclear Power (link to Position CAN pdf)



CherNObyl NO More
Join our Cause 100 % Renewables on facebook# April 26, 2011: INFORSE Statement: Chernobyl + 25 Years -
Let this Anniversary be the Last With Nuclear Power
Statement (pdf file 175 kB)
Read more: INFORSE's Sustainable Vision

Read actions on the day:
Candle Action, and, and WISE
Join Facebook Cause: 100 % Sustainable Energy World.

# INFORSE Response on the Public Consultation on EU Legislative Proposal on Management of Spent Fuel and Radioactive Waste
INFORSE response, 31 May 2010, (pdf file 107 kB), Read more


Don't Nuke the Climate# "Don't Nuke the Climate" International Campaign
12 December, 2009
International Day of Action

INFORSE-Europe joined the Campaign.
Read more at Campaign.

Shut Down Fessenheim# Demonstration "Shut Down Fessenheim!"
October 3-4, 2009, France

Conferences, concerts, films, theatre, and demonstration
Demanding the closure of the Fessenheim plant as a first step in the phasing out of atomic energy production in France.
Read more at Shut Down.

# Anti-Nuclear Rally in Berlin
September 5, 2009

50,000 people marched from the Berlin train station to the Brandenburg Gate
protesting nuclear power and radioactive waste transport. The marchers, backed by 400 tractors, demanded that Germany stick to its commitment to close all nuclear plants by 2020 and also called for the closure of a radioactive dump at Gorleben in eastern Germany.
Read more at,

ANEF Don't nuke the climate# New Forum: Anti Nuclear European Forum (ANEF),
June 17, 2009 in Linz, Austria
"Don't Nuke the Climate"

Read more at ANEF and Antiatom Szene

Nuclear Bank No thanks# Campaign Workshop: "Nuclear Bank - No Thanks"
March 30-31, 2009. Linz, Austria
Read more at Antiatom Szene, Austria

# Wise 30 Years Old
WISE began as the ambitious project of a new international social movement 30 years ago -
You can buy smiling sun stickers "Nuclear Power - No Thanks" in several languages.

Read More: WISE

Don't nuke the climate# "Don't Nuke the Climate" NGO Actions at COP 14, 2008
On December 10, 2008. Poznan, Poland. In front of the Conference Building of UNFCCC COP14. Activists were carrying banners and posters with lively slogans including “Don’t Nuke the Climate,” “No Nuclear Power in The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)” and “Nuclear Power, No Thanks!” "Nuclear Power is a Mickey Mouse Solution to Climate Change" Read more at: WECF homepage. See also images at
300 NGOs (including INFORSE) signed a public appeal to keep the nuclear power option out of the climate talks.
Read more at List of NGOs.

For a Nuclear free World# "For a Nuclear-free World"
European Demonstration,

Paris, 12 July 2008
Campaign Sending Postcards until December 2008

The network "Sortir du nucléaire" (Phasing Out the Nuclear Age) organises a march in Paris, on Saturday 12th of July 2008. The aim is to remind the French President Sarkozy that nuclear is neither a renewable energy nor a solution to global warming. The background is that promoting nuclear power is feared to be one of the objectives of the European French Presidency (July-December 2008).

Find more information and materials in French (e.g. postcards to send to President Sarkozy) on
"Sortir du nucléaire" is a network of 820 association. The French campaign "Nor Nuclear, Nor Climate Change" has several other French partners, like WWF, FOE-France, Greenpeace France and CAN-France.

# Record Uranium Price - What is Behind and What are the Consequences
August, 2007
Article in Sustainable Energy News, No. 57. 1 page (pdf file 350 kB)
Links to more information is in the article.

1 Million Europeans Demand the Exit of Nuclear Power"Unhappy Birthday, Euratom"
Europeans Demand: Phase Out Nuclear Power
INFORSE-Europe Supporting the Petition:
1 Million Europeans Demand the Exit of Nuclear Power

Brussels, March 23 2007 - The Petition - boxes full of signatures - was handed over to the EU Energy Commissioner as a "birthday present" of the pro-nuclear Euratom Treaty's 50th birthday.
634.686 individuals and 780 organisations signed the Petition and have demanded abolition of Euratom and a phase-out of nuclear power across Europe.
INFORSE-Europe was among the 48 organisations and movements from some 20 European countries, which launched the European Campaign for collecting 1 million signatures against nuclear power by the Chernobyl Memorial Day April 26th, 2006.
The aim was to collect signatures and activate more organisations to join the campaign in order to convince all European countries to take the following measures without delay:

- To stop or prevent the construction of new nuclear power plants and facilities in the European Union,
- To launch a plan to abandon nuclear power within the European Union,
- To invest massively in energy saving and the development of renewable energies,
- To repeal the Euratom Treaty which massively supports nuclear power in Europe by means of public funding

You can read more about the petition at

CherNObyl NO More CherNObyl+20

April 26, 2006
20 years ago on April 26, 1986, the explosion of Reactor No. 4 at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in Ukraine marked a new era in the mindset related to nuclear energy. Our remembrance of the catastrophe is intended not only to highlight the very poor conditions in which many affected people still have to live, but also to use it to make the message heard: “Nuclear power is not safe, not clean, and not cheap.”
This is of vital importance, especially nowadays, when some countries are considering new and renewed nuclear power plants. Several events are planned for the anniversary.

International Conference, Kiev, Ukraine: “Remembrance for the future”, April 23-25th in Kiev, Ukraine. More:

Photo-Documentary Publication & Exhibition “Chernobyl - 20 Years, 20 Lives” - follows 20 people in their daily lives today and reflects on how those lives were changed directly or indirectly by the Chernobyl catastrophe. The following is a snapshot of each of the twenty stories featured. The personal stories brought to life by Mads Eskesen, who traveled through Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Latvia, Sweden, France, and the UK. More: and

More Events: World Information Service on Energy (WISE) and Nuclear Information and Resource Service (NIRS) gather events related to the Chernobyl’s disaster. WISE/NIRS can be contacted in Argentina, Austria, Czech Republic, India, Japan, the Netherlands, Russia, Slovakia, Sweden, Ukraine, South Africa, and USA.
More information:, and .
Ph: +31 20 612 6368, Fax: +31 20 689 2179, E-mail: .

INFORSE-Europe support the proposal that EURATOM should have changed its mandate from promoting nuclear power to ensure the safety of nuclear power and other nuclear facilities. Therefore INFORSE-Europe also support the proposal that the EU countries should organise an intergovernmental conference on the revision of the Euratom Treaty.

14 New Reactors in Central Europe?
An article on the possible expansion of nuclear power in the new EU countries and beyond.

# K2R4 Anti-Nuclear Campaign

The K2R4 anti nuclear campaign is in Ukraine, where two half-ready nuclear reactors at the Khmelnytski and the Rivne nuclear power plants were finished and got online in the summer of 2004.
FORSE-Europe has protested against the plans to finish these reactor with loans from European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and EU Euratom.

The international campaign against these projects are coordinated by the K2R4 campaign

Read here INFORSE-Europe's statement against the project

# Nuclear Power in Finland

In May 2001, INFORSE-Europe joined an appeal to the Government and Parliament of Finland. Read it.

In 2003, the Finnish government approved a new Finnish nuclear reactor.
In December 2004, the European Renewable Energy Federation ( raised a court case against the state-aid involved in the financing of the new reactor.

# Import of Nuclear Waste to Russia

INFORSE-Europe is following the NGO-activities to stop a new proposal for import of nuclear waste to Russia. The Russian NGO's collected 2.5 million signatures against the plans in the fall of 2000, and have continued protests in 2001. In spite of this, the Russian Duma supported legislation to allow the import at voting in January and April 2001.

Read more about the problems, the latest news, and the activities of Russian NGOs at:,