Updated: December
EU has a nuclear safety directive, updated July 2014,
require EU countries to have national nuclear safety requirements,
independent regulators and transparency, but effectively leaves safety
and also decommissioning funding with national governments. It is
working together with directives on radiation protection
of this Page |
· Content
of the nuclear safety directive Read
· Radiation Protection Directives Read
· Decommissioning of nuclear installations
Read |
· Distortion
of Electricity Market, INFORSE-Europe Opinion Read
· Nuclear
Stress Tests Read
· European
Nuclear Energy Forum Read
· A
bit of History (from 2002) Read |
Nuclear Safety Directive
nuclear safety directive require that countries shall:
· Maintain
a national legislative, regulatory and organisational framework for the
nuclear safety of nuclear installations,
with allocation of responsibilities · · Have
set safety a system of licensing
of nuclear installations;
· Have
an independent nuclear regulator with sufficient funding
· Have
a system of regulatory control of nuclear safety performed by the
national regulatory authority;
· Ensure
that nuclear license holders (of for instance nuclear power plants) have
the prime responsibility for their installations;
· Ensure
transparency with necessary information for nuclear safety given to workers
and to the public, including prompt information in case of incidents
and accidents;
· Ensure
that the general public has appropriate opportunities to participate effectively
the decision-making process relating to the licensing of nuclear installations;
· Ensure
that national frameworks require that nuclear installation are made, used
and decommisioned with the objective of preventing accidents and should
an accident occur avoid early radioactive releases so off-site measures cannot
be implemented in advance, and avoid large radioactive releases that cannot
be limited in area or time;
· Ensure
that national frameworks require that accidents within the design basis are
controlled and that for accidents beyond that, their progression is prevented
and consequences are mitigated;
· Ensure
that an an effective nuclear safety culture is promoted;
· Carry
out a self-assessment of the national frameworks at least every 10 years;
· Ensure that national frameworks require that nuclear license holder re-assess
their installations every 10 year.
In this way the directive
effectively leaves nuclear safety as well as decommissioning to the
individual countries, under above general guidelines.
The technical details
are to a large extent left to the UN International Atomic Energy Agency
The directive is
2009/71/Euratom with amendments 2013/59/Euratom and 2014/87/Euratom.
The above provisions
shall all be implemented until
2017 in national legislation. See also EU
Information page. The directive has a "sister
directive" for nuclear waste.
Radiation Protection Directives
In December 2013
the Directive 2013/59/EURATOM was adopted with basic safety standards
for protection against the dangers
arising from exposure to ionising radiation. This directive set standards
for the allowed radiation from materials in human surroundings, such
as recycled materials from nuclear power activities. It repeal four old
directives from 1989-2002.
In October 2013, the Council Directive 2013/51/EURATOM was
adopted with requirements for the protection of the health
of the general public with regard to radioactive substances in
water intended for human consumption.
The directives have
been criticized for not taking sufficient care of radioactive materials
eaten or inhaled that can be accumulated in the
human body.
Read the directives at the EU
Information page.
Decommissioning of Nuclear Installations
While nuclear decommissioning is covered by the nuclear safety directive
and the waste in generates there is also an EU guideline on decommissioning
from 2010 and an Euratom recommendation from 2006. These are not binding
documents for the EU countries as the directives are, but should in
general be followed as good practices.
Read the EU
Information Page.
of Electricity Market, INFORSE-Europe Opinion
The directive leaves a crucial aspect unregulated. There is no regulation
of the establishment and use of decommissioning funds
plants. The directive just state that countries "....shall
ensure.... . .that nuclear installations are ....decommissioned
with the
objective of preventing accidents....." This lack
of regulation gives an unhealthy distortion of the internal
where some
power companies have these funds at their disposal for decades
until they are needed for decommissioning. Large power companies
as the French EdF and German BWE & E-On
uses these funds to buy-up of competitors. Other companies
do not have this opportunity, either because they have no nuclear
or because national regulations do not allow it.
This market distortion must be stopped. Thus we propose that the
EU Commission introduce legislation to ensure that utilities
create separate legal entities to protect the decommissioning, and also
radioactive waste management funds. Under no circumstances must these funds
under the
control of the utilities.
Nuclear Stress Tests
nuclear power plants in the EU underwent stress tests and peer reviews
in 2011 and 2012. This identified a number of issues, where safety
improvements were recommended. Read
EU Page.
Nuclear Energy Forum
Discussions about the directive is partly taking place in this Forum,
The aim of the Forum is to organise a broad discussion on the opportunities
of nuclear
should gather
relevant stakeholders, but NGOs have criticized it, see Friends
of the Earth. It started in 2007,
Read more on the European
Commission web site.
Bit of History
The directive was approved in 2009, after 7 years of negotiations
and debate.
May 2008, the EU Commissioner for Energy called Member States
to agree
on common nuclear safety rules. Then negotiations on the nuclear safety
directive restarted.
September 2004 the EU Commission launched an amended proposal (COM2004/526);
but the countries shortly afterwards decided to continue to work on
their conclusion from June. This decision has postponed any new step
a long time.
June 2004, the EU Environment Ministers decided to take a break in
negotiations and instead"engage in a wide
ranging consultation process facilitating the choice of instrument(s),
the framework
of the Euratom
that can contribute more effectively to achieving nuclear safety
and the safe management of spent fuel and radioactive waste, without
any instrument".
A new version of the directive and the proposal was discussed among
the EU countries.and
in the EU Parliament during the year
6, 2002, the EU Commission launched a “Nuclear package” including
a proposal for a nuclear safety directive, COM2002(605)final.
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