July 2006
of this Page:
· Energy
Ministers Promote Biomass, July 2006. Read
· EU
Biomass Action Plan, December 2005. Read |
Energy Ministers Promote Biomass
the EU energy ministers’ meeting
June 8-9, 2006, the ministers agreed a number of proposals for
increased and better use
of biomass energy.
Most importantly they asked the EU Commission to:
Bring forward proposals to encourage use of biomass for heating and
cooling. This follows a similar call from the European Parliament
earlier this year,
efficiency and emission criteria for biomass installations, using the Eco-Design
Directive, in particular for household biomass
procedures for bio-energies in the EU Common Agricultural Policy and assess the
extension of the Energy Crops Scheme to all
EU countries,
the issue of simple and cost-effective measures to guarantee that biofuels are
produced in a sustainable way, including certification
EU Biomass Action Plan
On December 7, 2005, the EU Commission
published its Biomass Action Plan, proposing measures that
could more than double biomass
use in
EU by 2010, while respecting environmental limits. This is the kind
of development that is needed to reach the target of 12% renewables
by 2010, and most likely also the Kyoto Protocol targets. The main
measures proposed are:
• legislation supporting the use of biomass for heating,
• reduced VAT on district heating
• stronger implementation of the renewable electricity directive.
• regulation and removal of barriers for biofuels in transport, including
ensuring the environmental sustainability of biofuel production.
a campaign and other measures for promotion of energy crops as part
of EU’s agricultural policy.
• increased use of forest residues
• use more recovered materials from waste as energy, including waste
from slaughterhouses and meet processing to biogas plants.
• more use of structural funds for biomass and other renewable energy.
• research and development in biomass for fuels, electricity, heating
and cooling
See INFORSE-Europe
Comments for EU Biomass and Biofuels Strategies.
See: EU Commission page on biomass action plan
Communication on “The share of renewable energy in the EU” (COM(2004)366
concluded that further efforts, in particular in the biomass sector,
are needed in order to achieve the RE policy objectives.
In 2001, total biomass production for energy purposes was 2344 PJ
and to reach, and to achieve RES 12% target, 3098 PJ would be needed
by 2010 according to the above-mentioned communication.
This additional biomass
production can only be achieved in the short term with strong and
targeted measures and actions in all
three sectors (electricity, heat, and biofuels for transport) and
a better coordination of EU policies. Therefore the Commission
proposed in the Communication a "Community Biomass Action
Plan" that shall ensure the achievement of this objective.
The countries' energy minister's supported this, November 2004.