NGO Visits
to Danmark from Russia:
In this project, ten Russian
NGO representatives visited Denmark in between September 21 - 28, 2003
to see and learn about Danish experience with sustainable energy solutions
and the democratic structures for the energy sector, September 2003.
After the visit, proposals were developed for sustainable energy solutions
in the NGOs local area. Finally, INFORSE-Europe/OVE
from Denmark visited the Russian organisations, and these solutions were presented
locally in
As part of the tour
in September 2003, a compendium
was developed about the Danish democratic regulation of energy development,
and selected examples of interesting
organisatorial and technical developments. The Compendium is available
from this website in English
(482 kB), and in
Russian (323 kB).
Several articles apeared after the Danish tour in Russia. Among others:
Radio interview with Olga Podosenova in Ekaterinburg Exo Moskva 6.10.2003
Article by Olga Podosenova, EcoPort Social Ecological Union 22.10.2003
- Article in "Vestnik", Newsletter of the Ural Ecological
Union, Ekaterinburg, October 2003.
- Article in "Novosti Energetiki", 21 September, 2003
Article in "Api Information Agency, Nakanune Information Publication
Almanach Info", 19.09.2003
- News in ASI-Ural, 22.09, 2003
- News in Delovaja Pres, 26.09.2003
- "Forward to the Windmills",
interview with Alexej Kozlov, Komuna newspaper, 17 October, 2003
- "Sun and Wind against Nuclear", Ekologicheskij gazata Voronesh,
10 October, 2003
-"Sun and Wind against Chernobyl and Global Warming, article on
the Danish trip in September 2003" by Alexej Kozlov and Sveta
Dorohova, Youth Human Rights Movements newsletter, Voronesh, October
The Russian participation
was organised by Ecodefense, and
Social Ecological Union's Center for Nuclear and Energy Policies (SEU)
NGO Visits to Russia
from Danmark:
From INFORSE-Europe/OVE, Denmark:
Gunnar Boye Olesen visited St. Petersborg and Petrosavodsk in 1-7 December,
2003, and
- Ann Vikkelso and Judit Szoleczky visited SEU and Ecodefense in Moskva, Voronesh,
and Ekaterinburg (Ural Ecological Union) in between January 26, 2003 - February
07, 2004.
During the trips several public presentations, meetings were made, 3 press
conferences were organised, and local and regional televisions made interviews. Among
- 2-4 December,
NGO Conference:
Old Nuclear Reactors, Nuclear waste - Problems and Resources for Sustainable
Development for North-West Russia organised
by Green World, St Petersborg
At the Conference, Gunnar Boye Olesen (INFORSE/OVE Denmark) made a
presentation of the Danish experience on Sustainable Energy.
January 28, 2004; Seminar at the University in Voronesh
Sustainable Energy Perspectives (NFORSE's Sustainable Energy Vision 2050; Renewable
energy in Denmark; Role of NGOs in Denmark, a country whitout nuclear power
Presentation by Ann Vikkelsø (INFORSE/OVE).
- January 29, 2004; Press Conference, Voronesh
Sustainable Energy (renewables and energy efficiency) Perspectives in the
Voronesh region. Short presentation of the conclusions of the previous day's
Participants: Alexey Kozlov (Ecodefense-Voronesh), Ann Vikkelsø (INFORSE/OVE),
Judit Szoleczky (INFORSE/OVE).
- February 2, 2004; Presentation and Press Conference /
TV interviews, Ekaterinburg
Role of NGOs in Denmark, organising
wind farms with cooperative ownership, functioning as
to the public, influencing energy planning. Lifestyle in an ecovillage
in Denmark, Perspectives in Ekaterinburg region.
Presentations by Olga Podosenova, (Ural
Ecological Union), Ann Vikkelsø (INFORSE/OVE, and Judit Szoleczky
- February 6, 2004; Press Conference at the Independent
Press Center, Moscow
Sustainable Energy Perspectives in Russia. INFORSE's Sustainable
Energy Vision 2050, Sustainable Energy in Denmark. Renewable energy
and energy efficiency as alternatives to the nuclear power plants
and a solution
to combat climate change.
Partcipants by Ann Vikkelsø, (INFORSE/OVE)
Judit Szoleczky (INFORSE/OVE), Ilya Popov (SEU) and Vladimir Slyviak
In the following links, you
read about some of these in Russian:
- Press Conference
Voronesh, Article with pictures, Resist Antinuke 26.01.2003
- Regnum Information
Agency 6.02.2004
Agency of Social Information 6.2.2004
- Rosbalt National
News wire 6.2.2004
- IAMIK Marketing
and Consulting Info Analytical Agency 6.2.2004
- Article in the Daily Ekaterinburg
region newspaper Podrobnosti 03.02.2004,
- Article in Novij Region, Ural region, Ekaterinburg, 28.01.20004
- Newswire, Inform Ekologija, 28 January, 2004
- Newswire, Ekaterinburg On-line 02.02.2004 (www.e1.ru)
- Newswire, 28.01.2004 (www.regions.ru)
- Newswire, Nobosti & Sobitija 28.01.2004 (www.uralpolit.ru)
- Newswire, Rambler Media 28.01.2004 (www.rambler.ru)
Articles published in English about the project:
- Russian Nuclear Watch: February
- March 2004 issue Nr 1-2 (20)
"Russia Needs Environmentally Clean Energy and an Immediate
Decommissioning of its OLD NPPs, Ratification of the Kyoto Protocol
may bring funds
needed for this purpuse. Russian and Danish environmental organisations
have initiated activities aimed to promotion of renewable energy in
the regions of Russia.” By Ecodefense, Russian
branch of NIRS-WISE.
- Sustainable Energy News
Nr 43, December 2003. Article "Russian-INFORSE Cooperation" on
page 6, and "Russian Nuclear - A New Problematic Chapter" By
Gunnar Boye Olesen, INFORSE-Europe on page 7.
- Sustainable Energy
News, Nr 44, March 2004 Article "Russian-Danish
Cooperation Continued" By Judit Szoleczky and Ann
Vikkelso on page 7.
Project Organiser:
INFORSE-Europe/OVE, Denmark
- Ecodefense (Moscow, Kaliningrad) http://www.ecodefense.ru)
- Antinuke Resistance, Voronesh http://www.resist.ru
- Ural Ecological
Union, Yekaterinburg, http://www.ural.ru
- Social Ecological
Union http://www.seu.ru/sovet/eng/
- Green World: (www.greenworld.org.ru).
Project duration:
2003 - February, 2004
Project Supported
Danish Open Air Council, Small Project Fund
Additionally, the Swedish Acid Rain Secretariat supported the participation
of one
Russian person on the Russian NGO Study Tour in Denmark with a view that
a film will be made promoting renewable energy in Russia.
A couple of pictures illustrating
the visit of the Russian NGO representatives in Denmark in September
- View to the Middelgrunden
wind mill cooperative
- Meeting and presentation at the Copenhagen Energy & Environment
- Visiting and Meeting at the Danish Parliament
- Windmill
mill in Hanstholm, after climbing up the Folkecenter's windmill.
- Solar collector Exhibition
at the Danish Folkecenter for Renewable Energy
- Tree pillets used at a small heating cooperative
- Straw used for cogeneration
- Visiting NRGI's electricity appliance shop


More information on Russia:
INFORSE-Europe project in 2001:
Russian potential of energy efficiency and renewable energy, the
Kyoto Protocol and Russian responses
from governmental and non-governmental organisations.
Report Published by ECO-Accord,
Moscow, and Forum for Energy and Development as OVE, INFORSE-Europe,
August 2001. Report in English (569
kB pdf file),
and in Russian (780 kB pdf)
Russian Wind Report
by Grigori Dmitriev, VetrEnergo for Gaia Apatity
and INFORSE-Europe, June 2001 Contents