Updated: March 14,
March 8, 2006, the EU Commission released
a Green Paper "A
European Strategy for Sustainable, Competitive and Secure Energy" calling
for a number of initiatives to reduce the combined environmental and
security of supply problems of the large fossil fuel consumption
in the EU countries. The proposed ideas fall within 6 key areas:
- Complete the internal
electricity and gas markets based on the assumption that competitive markets improve security
of supply and reduce prices.
Proposals include a European grid-code, a European energy regulator authority
to deal with cross-border trade issues, a priority interconnection plan
with stimulation of investments to ensure interconnection levels of at
least 10% as agreed in Barcelona in 2002, regulatory framework to stimulate
investments in power plants, and further thinking in the new Commission
high-level group on Energy, Environment and Competition. The EU Commission
will present concrete proposals by the end of the year.
- Security of supply in
the internal market. The proposals include a European energy supply
observatory, increased cooperation between network operators
to assist an EU country with supply problems, more transparency
regarding oil stocks, common standards for infrastructure including
gas storages.
- Towards a more sustainable, efficient
and diverse energy mix with an
EU-wide debate. The paper expresses concern regarding
high reliance of gas, and of phasing out of nuclear if it
is replaced with natural gas.
Proposals are a Strategic EU Energy Review, an EU overall
strategic objective such as a minimum level of overall energy
mix to originating from secure
and low-carbon energy sources (which is renewable energy
+ nuclear)
- An integrated approach
to tackle climate change in line with the Lisbon strategy. Proposals
are promotion of energy efficiency (EE)
and renewable energy (RE) including and Action Plan on
Energy Efficiency, a 20% target
for EE by 2020, use financial instruments for EE such as
the EU Cohesion policy with Structural Funds, a renewed
emphasis on EE in transport,
EU-wide white certificates trading, better labeling and
standards for EE including a global agreement on energy
efficiency. For RE is proposed
a Renewable Energy Roadmap with renewed efforts to reach
RE-targets, consideration of new renewable energy targets,
a directive for renewable
heating and cooling, plans to replace oil with renewables,
R&D as
well as market introduction activities. A more controversial
proposal is mentioned which is to increase R&D in carbon
capture and storages technologies as well as a support
for large-scale
demonstration programmes.
- A Strategic European Energy
Technology Plan. Proposals are to use the proposed
European Institute of Technology and the 7th R&D
Framework Programme as well as to develop a vision for
the transformation of the
energy system. Other proposals are partnerships for large-scale
integrated actions (strangely the ITER fusion project
is mentioned here), and use
of the Intelligent Energy for Europe programme.
- A common
external energy policy, identifying priorities for
upgrading and construction of new gas and oil pipelines, partnerships
and dialogues with energy producing countries and transit countries,
a Pan-European
energy Community Treaty (with open energy markets and
promotion of Trans-European Energy Networks), a new
energy partnership with Russia, a new
mechanism to deal with emergency situations of external
supply, more cooperation with major energy producers
and consumers, and an international
agreement on energy efficiency. It is also proposed
to expand the number
of countries covered by the EU Emissions Trading Scheme
to countries outside EU, to increase cooperation on
climate, renewable energy, and
global market access, and to focus on energy for developing
including large hydro.
The Green Paper have
been criticized for its lack of targets for renewable energy (see
e.g. www.ewea.org and www.eufores.org,
for its continued reliance on unsustainable and futuristic technologies
as nuclear fusion + fission and carbon capture and storage (see Friends
of the Earth) and its low
target for energy efficiency.
Read INFORSE-Europe
Press Release ( pdf-download)
Read the Green
Paper, COM 2006(105) (html/pdf)