Cooperation Project among: Belarus, Estonia Latvia,
Norway, and Denmark.
Project Period: 2010 - 2011
Coordinated by INFORSE-Europe |
The project includes several activities including:
• International
Sustainable Energy Summer Youth Camp and Festival
Theme: Sustainable
August 7-11 and 12-14, 2011.
Place: A
recreational area 10 km from Minsk, the capital of Belarus.
Read Program and Review: Belarus
Youth Camp and Festival.
for Environmental Solutions (CES)
and Ecodome.


• Activities
in Latvia
organised by Latvian Green Movement (LGM)
Exhibition in 8 places: Liepaja (August 2), Talsi
(August 3-4), Festival "Laba daba" (August
5), Vikski county at a conference on environmental educators
(August 6), Ventspils
(August 10), Kuldiga (august 11),
Jurmala at the energy efficiency center of the national energy
company "Latvenergo" (August 12), Riga at "Move
the Planet"
event (September 24) and
Neighbourhood festival (September 17).
Exhibition included 6 posters, energy efficient
equipments and meters, a quiz, and guides answering
questions about the sustainable vision and solutions suitable
for housholds and municipalities.
More: LGM
web site.
Link where you can download a film on the exhibition: TV-kurzeme.
Link to exhibition in Talsi:
Link to exhibition in Ventspils:
Social Network:
Posters: (click on the posters to download them as pdf file of size
max 500 kB) |
• Activities
in Lithuania
In cooperation with AtGaja:
sustainable energy vision, posters, conference, presentations.
- Presentation "New Sustainable Energy Scenarios for Lithuania
and the Baltic Region" at
the international conference "3rd
Annual Baltic Energy", on
November 8-9, 2011,
in Vilnius, Lithuania
Go to: Conference's
website/ Event's ltd.
See more at AtGaja
• Activities
in Estonia
cooperation with Energy Centre TAASEN: sustainable energy
vision, posters, seminars, articles.
See information in Estonian on FoE Estonia's web site: Report,
pages (0.6
MB pdf
file), and in English at Estonian
Sustainable Energy Vision. |
• Study
Tour to Lithuania from Belarus
Date: April 18-22, 2011
See: Report from the Tour
(word, 1 page, 20 kB) |
• Preparation
of the Sustainable Energy Visions of a transition to 100
% Renewable Energy by 2050.
See more at
on the Visions: INFORSE Vision, and INFORSE
Vision for Belarus, and the INFORSE
Vision for the Baltic Area (link to Vision for Estonia, for Latvia,
and for Lithuania)
• Study
Tour in Sweden and Denmark,
1 week, August 29 -September 4, 2010
Program: (2-page,
pdf 21 kB)
Compendium: (11-page,
pdf file 237 kB)
Media Coverage of the tour:
Ecocentr (in
Russian) (pdf
file, 359 kB)
AGH (in Polish) (pdf
file 147kB) |
• Sustainable
Energy Exhibition in Belarus in 2010-2011
organised by Ecodom:
• Grodno,
Brest, Gomel, and the Youth Camp near Minsk
July - September, 2011.
• Brest:
In various places during
January - April, 2010.
• Gomel:
In the city park at the event "Fest of Renewable
on 4th of May, 2010.
• Grodno: 1
week in the Library "Litheium
# 1" in
May 2010.
• Minsk:
At the "Bike Marathon Event -
Bike for Peace and New Energies" in
Central Park, August 2010.
See pictures of the exhibition in the Belarus media of
the event
link of Green Belarus Info Portal: LPF-Belarus.
file, 785 kB).
- Sustainable Development Week in National Technical Library, 1
week in October 2010.
• Grodno: During
the Sustainable Development Conference at the Grodno State University,
1 week, November 2010.
Pictures from
the exhibitions in April - May, 2010: |
Pictures from the exhibitions
in Brest in September 2011: |
Sustainable Energy Exhibition Brochure and poster 2010-11: |
p.1 (pdf
0.9 MB),
p.2 (pdf 1.1 MB)
Download Poster:
p.1 (pdf 0.2
MB) |
• Seminars
on straw bale building and renewable energy in Belarus
Practical seminar in the summer, theory seminar in the winter,
Media coverage:
- 3 TV programs shown in Belarus and Russia:
"People of Belarus”, TVC company, in September 2010, “Technologies
of FUTURE” in October 2010, “Truth about Energy
supply” - 18 December 2010.
- 2 articles on energy savings.
books on sustainable energy-efficient strawbale housing:
- including
the Belarus Vision 2050 (see above) and a film interview on
sustainable energy housing with strawbale building (2011), as well
as a description of INFORSE-Europe
and some of the activities in Russian.
Baltic NGO Cooperation Project in 2008-09. |
activities of the Project were supported by the Nordic Council
of Ministers
in 2010-2011, and co-supported
by AirClim, FoE Norway as well as EU DG Environment Civil
INFORSE-Europe for the EU part of the activities in 2010.
