from the Project: |
2015 - Publication of the Project,
which created guidelines for sustainable event management.
Title: Handbook:
"Organising Environment Friendly
Events", 74 pp.
Authors: Antra Petersone, Maija Usca, Agita Pusvilka, Santa Krastina
Publisher: Homo Ecos, Latvia
The Publication is available in English, in Latvian and the
summary is available in Lithanian.
The Checklist is available online from HomoEcos website in Latvian,
English and

13, 2015 - Lauching the "Guidelines for Sustainable Event
Management" in Latvian
Place: Riga, Latvia
More than 100 people participated on the conference where the new publication
was presented in Latvian.
The presentations also included experiences from Denmark (COP21, EU Presidency,
NorthSide Music Festival, Lithuania (conference, island festival), Latvia (EU
presidency, festivals), and climate-art actions from all over the world.
Please read: Program of the Event (pdf.EN.0.1MB)
Read more on the event in Latvian on HomoEcos website.
30-July 1, 2015 - Study Visit from Latvia to Denmark |
Project Description:
Large and medium-scale events are often the most time-efficient and
effective way for collaborating with, educating and informing large groups
of people. At the same time, such events leave a significant environmental
footprint by consuming energy and clean water, generating waste, polluting
air and water, and creating greenhouse gas emissions.
Therefore, it is important that event organizers incorporate sustainability
considerations into the very first planning stages of their event. Sustainability
considerations lead to environmental improvements and financial advantages;
creating a more positive image for the event's planners and social
benefits for the local community. They can trigger secondary positive
such as innovation in the marketplace, stimulating new product growth;
and by raising awareness they can create long-term benefits for the broader
The created
Guidelines provides a tool that helps event planners maximize the
positive impact of their event and minimize the potential
negative outcomes. The Guidelines add value in both the governmental,
non-governmental, public and private sector.
The main aim of the
project was to help reduce impact of large and medium-scale events
on the environment (events with over 100 attendants, possibly
spread over several days and multiple (international) locations). The
project partners researched the best practices and developed a Handbook
for the Guidelines for Sustainable Event Management (hereafter: Guidelines)
that will
event organizers to reduce the environmental impact of their events.
The project partners will disseminate and implement these Guidelines
in public, private and non-profit sectors.
Duration: July 2014 - September-October 2015
Project Partners:
Homo Ecos: Latvia (
Latvian Green Movement, Latvia (
INFORSE-Europe, Denmark (
Sustainable Development Initiatives (DVI), Lithuania (
Main activities
- Research and review relevant best practices in sustainable event
management in the Baltic and Nordic countries; integrating the relevant
of ISO 20121;
- Study visit to Denmark to exchange experiences and learn about Danish
best practices in sustainable (large and medium-scale) event management
and communication about sustainable events with various stakeholders.
- Develop and publish the Guidelines with included experience and expertise
of the partners;
- Develop and publish an (online) checklist for event organizers;
- Organize a seminar for the target groups to inform stakeholders (NGOs
and public sector);
- Media and communication activities in order to disseminate results
of the project and to inform a broader spectrum of society.
Planned Direct
- Electronic and printed Guidelines in Latvian, electronic version in
English and summary in Lithuanian;
- Online checklist in English, Latvian, and Lithuanian for event
- Educating 80 to 100 representatives of the non-governmental and public
sector through Guidelines training seminars, communication and dissemination
of results;
- At least 10 stakeholders reached and involved in developing the Guidelines
and dissemination of results.
Expected outcomes:
Project will increase both the public and organization's awareness
about the impact of large and medium-scale events such as festivals,
conferences, concerts and meetings on the environment. Organizations
organizing large events will be equipped with tools and knowledge
take appropriate measures to reduce the environmental impact of events.
Read more at HomoEcos
web site: Project:
"Development of Guidelines for Sustainable Event Management"
Guidelines for Sustainable Event Management No. NGSLV-206)
is funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers' Office in Latvia.