organised conference session and exhibited at the EUSEW
2024 -
European Sustainable Energy Week 2024 in Brussels, Belgium.
at the exhibition in the Charlemagne building (C-14, 2 fl.) and
co-organised a policy conference event on the FULFILL Project
on decarbonisation through sustainable
lifestyle. The FULFILL project is funded by the EU Horizon 2020
hundred people followed the conference and visited the INFORSE-Europe's
stall, and asked questions on sustainable lifestyle and looked
latest issue of Sustainable Energy News and some of our brochures.
INFORSE-Europe delegation consited of
Gunnar Boye Olesen, Judit Szoleczky, and
Maelys Renan. From the FULFILL project participants included Elisabeth
Dutschke (Fraunhofer ISI) and Fiona
• June
11-13, 2024
EUSEW 2024, Exhibition, Brussels, Belgium
Venue: Charlemagne Building, C-14, 2. floor
INFORSE-Europe is lead organiser of an exhibition featuring the EU funded FULFILL
• June
12, 2024 - 9:30 - 11:00
EUSEW 2024 Policy Conference
Venue: Charlemagne Building, De Gasperi Room, 2. fl.
Session: Less is more? An overview of sufficiency
policies to reduce emissions and increase quality of life.
INFORSE-Europe is lead co-organiser of the session together with partners of
the EU funded FULFILL project.
research, analysing 21,000 surveys, 50 citizen initiatives,
16 policies, and 3 workshops, shows how sufficiency policies
reduce emissions and increase well-being. The session covers
results, impact quantification, National Energy and Climate
Plan recommendations, and political commentary. From the Program
presentations, comments and dialoge of a panel:
an introduction by
Fiona Breucker (moderator), JDI, France
- How sufficient will Europeans be? Survey results by Elisabeth
Dutschke, Fraunhofer ISI, Germany
- Sufficiency on the ground, by Sergio Olivero, Rescoop, CONCERTI,
- Policies for sufficiency, from the FULFILL project by Yves Marignac,
Negawatt, France (online)
- What can sufficiency contribute? Results of an input-output model,
Matteo Giacomo Prina, Eurac Research, Italy
- Introducing the Sufficiency Manifesto by Fiona Breucker, JDI
- How EUs climate plans can include sufficiency, Gunnar Boye Olesen,
INFORSE-Europe, Denmark
- Comments by Thomas Pellerin-Carlin, MEP
- Comments by Frank Siebern-Thomas,
Head of Unit DG for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion,
More information:
EUSEW 2024 Session page. and EUSEW
2024 exhibition page.
Project's Website and INFORSE's FULFILL
project web page
- Publication
on sufficiency policies in 4 countries climate plans (NECPs) (pdf)
- EUSEW video replay
on youtube
- Presentations:
Less is more? An overview of sufficiency policies to reduce emissions and
increase quality of life (pdf 6 MB) |
The description of the
stand at EUSEW 2024 website:
INFORSE-Europes stand at the Energy fair featured the results
of an EU Horizon funded
called "FULFILL" on decarbonisation through sufficiency
- sustainable lifestyles.
A sufficiency - sustainable lifestyle is increasingly recognised
for its potential towards decarbonisation in Europe. Sufficiency
actions and policies are contributing to reduce greenhouse gases,
and at the same time increase wellbeing. It is a win-win.
The IPCCC has defined
the 3 pillars of the energy transition: Sufficiency, Efficiency, Renewables
(SER), and estimates that
by 2050, sufficiency will have the potential to reduce emissions
by more than 50% in almost all sectors, compared to current policy
The FULFILL Project's
research analysed what motivates people, which policies could
motivate more, and how acceptable these
sufficiency policies are deemed.
The policies are in the sectors of housing, food, transport,
and items.
They will present interesting findings and case studies made
by 50 citizens initiatives, 16 policies and 9,500 people surveyed
e.g., pointing out differences in age, countries, and gender.
Finally, results from an input/output model will be presented,
which was established to calculate the decarbonising effects
of different policies.
The stand
shows how much our lifestyles are contributing now to decarbonisation
and how much is the potential. How can
citizens decrease their own carbon footprint and increase wellbeing?
How can policymakers help? What can the EU do? What can the EU
countries do?
How the framework
of RES (Renewables-Efficiency-Sufficiency) is possible in the
brand new European CLEVER Scenario will also
be presented.
The FULFILL project's
research has been done in 5 EU countries by a consortium of
and CSOs: Fraunhofer Institute ISI (coordinator)
and Wuppertal Institute in Germany, EURAC and POLIMI in Italy,
negaWATT and Jacques Delors Institute in France, Green Liberty
in Latvia, and INFORSE-Europe in Denmark
is a network of 60+ civil society organisations in EU 27 and beyond,
promoting sustainable energy and defending
the environment, moving towards a 100% renewable-energy future
through increased use of renewable energy, energy efficiency
and recently also through energy sufficiency / sustainable lifestyle. |
You can
see the list of Exhibitors at EUSEW
Energy Fair 2024 -
us on facebook and twitter. |