INFORSE network is represented at the SBI 42 by several members
VedvarendeEnergi/SustainableEnergy, Denmark: Gunnar Boye Olesen, Judit Szoleczky
Danish International Settlement Service (DIB), Denmark: Lykke Valentin Kristiansen
Center for Alternative Technology (CAT), UK: Paul Allen, Philip James
Nordic Folkecenter for Renewable Energy, Denmark
INFORSE-South Asia:
All India Women Conference (AIWC), India: Raj Kalyani
Center for Rural Technology, Nepal: Niraj Shrestha
On the picture (from left to right): Gunnar Boye Olesen, Lykke Valentin Kristiansen,
Raj Kalyani, Paul allen, Niraj Shrestha. |
INFORSE - Side Events in Bonn:

4 June, 2015
Time: 16:45 - 18:15
Room: Berlin
Getting Ready for Zero; -
An overview of who is working on
zero carbon modelling & tool kits & Next Steps
An event to present an overview of publicly available peer
reviewed scenarios for rapid decarbonisation and modelling
work from across the globe.
Panel discussion with experts.
This can contribute evidence to enable a high ambition outcome
in Paris.
Moderator: Isabel
Bottoms, Track 0
- Gunnar Boye Olesen, INFORSE: 100%
RE in Denmark and EU (slides,
pdf, 0.5 MB)
- Paul Allen, Centre for Alternative Technology
(CAT), UK: Getting Ready for Zero, Next Steps (slides,
pdf, 0.7 MB)
- Philip James, CCAT, UK: Zero Carbon Britain (slides,
pdf, 0.9 MB)
- Mayor of Byron Shire, Australia (orig: Stephen Bygrave): Beyond
Zero Emissions, Australia (slides,
pdf, 1.9 MB)
- Andrea Rudnick, Latin America Liaison: Mitigation Action Plans
and Scenarios (MAPS) (slides,
pdf, 0.4 MB)
- Niklas Hohne, New Climate Institute: Act 2015 (slides,
pdf, 0.6 MB)
- Irene Garcia, World Future Council: 100% Renewable Morocco (slides,
pdf, 0.3 MB)
- Emmanuel Guerin: Deep Decarbonisation Pathways Project (DDPP)
- Jennifer Morgan, WRI: What does this mean for the Paris Agreement
and Beyond (slides,
pdf, 0.5 MB)
- Alexandra
Deprez, IDDRI: Carbon Neutral Costa Rica, (orig: Giovanna Valverde
Stark, Government of Costa Rica)
- Tewolde Egziabher, Government of Ethiopia: Low Carbon Development
in Ethiopia
Download: Program
- June 4, 2015 - leaflet (1 page, pdf file)
The Side Event is
organised by the INFORSE members: Nordic Folkecenter for Renewable
Energy, Denmark; the Center for Alternative
Technology (CAT), UK; SustainableEnergy, Denmark, and the
INFORSE Secretariat in cooperation with Track0.
Collection of Scenarios:
INFORSE 100% Renewable Energy Scenarios
and Low Carbon
Support: Cause: 100% Sustainable
Energy World
Highlights: 100 % Renewable Energy in Denmark and ZeroCarbonBritain

Date: 10 June, 2015
18:30 - 20:00
Room: Bonn I
Title: Rural Development with Low Carbon, Eco-Village
Solutions in South Asia
Sustainable development solutions
in South Asian villages focusing on improved rural energy technologies
that support
better living
standards and livelihoods without affecting climate parameters.
This Eco-Village Development Concept is being researched
and implemented with community participation.
Moderator: Ugan Manandhar, WWF Nepal
and Panel:
- Anoop Poonia, CANSA: Introducing the Eco-Village
Development (EVD) Concept (slides,
pdf 0.6 MB)
- Successes of Grameen Shakti in Bangladesh (slides,
pdf 0.6 MB)
Kalyani Raj, All India Women Conference (AIWC), India: Successes
with Local Solutions (slides,
pdf 2.2 MB)
Niraj Shrestha, Centre for Rural Technology
(CRT), Nepal: Local Solutions and Adaptation in Reconstruction
after the Earthquake (slides,
pdf 3.1 MB)
Wijenayake, CANSA:Local Successes and Policy in
Sri Lanka (slides,
pdf 0.3 MB)
- Sanjay Vashist, CAN-South Asia: Promotion of local development
with EVD solutions in connection with national climate actions
and international climate agreements, (slides,
pdf 0.4 MB)
Gunnar Boye Olesen, International Network for Sustainable
Energy (INFORSE): Read the 4-page
Position Brief presented.
Download: Program
June 10, 2015 - Leaflet (1 page, pdf, 232 kB)
The Side Event is organised by INFORSE together with the members:
CRT in Nepal, IDEA in Sri Lanka, INSEDA & AIWC & WAFD in India
, Grameen
Shakti in Bangladesh, DIB Denmark, and
in cooperation with CAN-South Asia.
Events organised by INFORSE members: |
Women’s Perspectives on Just Climate Policy: COP21 and
Date: June 4, 2015
Room: Bonn I
The co-organising
INFORSE members: Life e.V. (coorganiser) and AIWC Gender & Women
Constituency Focal Point
Read more: on the website of WEDO and GenderCC
and Women Group |
A group of people expressed their wish that the Climate
negotiation should "Speed Up"
They poured dices
from cups to the floor. |
organised by NGOs in front of the UN Conference Building: |
Official website of the UNFCCC Side
Events in Bonn, June 2015:
and https://seors.unfccc.int/seors/reports/archive.html
presentations are also uploaded here)
INFORSE's Participation at Previous, Present and Following UNFCCC
COP24 in Katowice, Poland, 2018
COP22 in Marrakesh, Morocco 2016
SBI44 PreCOP22 in Bonn, Germany 2016
- INFORSE at UNFCCC COP 21 in Paris, France, 2015.
COP21 in Bonn, Germany 2015
- INFORSE at UNFCCC COP 20 in Lima, Peru, 2014.
- INFORSE at UNFCCC COP 19 in Warsaw, Poland, 2013.
- INFORSE at UNFCCC COP 18 in Doha, Qatar, 2012.
- INFORSE at UNFCCC COP 17 in Durban,
South Africa 2011.
- INFORSE at UNFCCC COP16 in 2010 in Cancun, Mexico.
- INFORSE at UNFCCC COP15 in 2009 in Copenhagen, Denmark.
- INFORSE's Position Paper on Climate Change (INFORSE's
Position pdf
file 99kB) at the start of COP15, 7 December, 2009.
- INFORSE's brief analysis of the outcome of COP15 (INFORSE's
Analysis pdf file 64 kB), 21 December, 2009.
- INFORSE at COP14 in 2008 in Poznan, Poland.
See other INFORSE participation at UN Conferences |