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QUIZ'11 - Answer questions about energy efficiency & have fun! :-)

Another successful Quiz at the INFORSE-Europe's Exhibition during the EU Green Week '11 in Brussels.

Following the success of the Quiz in 2005 and the Quiz in 2009, we had fun creating another Quiz for Green Week 2011. This year, the Quiz was themed energy efficiency to correlate with the conference's theme of resource efficiency. Many participants filled out the Quiz and got the correct answers on the spot, while some brought the answers back later on the week. For those who brought your quiz home, there is a link to the answers after the last question of the Quiz.

Here you can also read the question and test yourself. Have fun and the answers can be seen at the end of the page.

1.) What does INFORSE stands for?
A. Ice-cream Not FOR Small Elephants
B. INFORmation Service for Energy
C. International Network FOR Solar Energy
D. International Network FOR Sustainable Energy

2.) Who can be member of INFORSE-Europe ?
A. only NGOs
B. only companies
C. only researchers
D. anybody

3.) Who are the typical members of the Low Carbon Societies Network?
A. People who are on low-carbon diet to lose weight. They eat less carbon hydrates (pasta, bread) forcing to burn fatness to energy.
B. NGOs and researchers working to reduce CO2 emissions by developing national sustainable-energy scenarios with models and stakeholder dialogue

4.) Why is wind a renewable energy source?
A. Because the wind will blow minimum 100 years more
B. Because the wind will blow 500 years more
C. Because the wind will continue blow, independently of its use

5.1) What is a Solar Thermal Collector?
A. Somebody who collects Pokémon energy cards?
B. A unit that produces heat from the sun
C. A unit that produces electricity from the sun

5.2) What is a Solar PV Cell ?
A. A sunny cell in a Buddhist Monastery
B. A unit that produces heat from the sun
C. A unit that produces electricity from the sun

6.) When purchasing a new appliance, which mark indicated the highest energy efficiency?
¤ ¤ ¤
B. A+++
C ☺☺☺

7.) When building a house in Europe, which direction would you want the bigger windows to be facing in order to capture the greatest amount heat from sun light?
A. East
B. South
C. West

8.) Which angle is optimal for a solar collector to collect most solar energy?
A. Usually as horizontal as possible
B. Usually the same angle as the latitude of the site (e.g. 52 degree in Belgium)
C. Usually 70-90 degree from horizontal

9.) What can we do with the CO2 from a solar collector or a wind turbine?
A. The CO2 can be stored in an underground storage
B. Solar and wind energy use do not produce CO2
C. The CO2 can be evaporated

10.) Until 2010, an electric equipment could use up to 25 Watt standby !
NGOs (including INFORSE-Europe) participate on the Consultation Forum of the EU Ecodesign Directive. As a result of this, the allowed maximum standby consumption in the EU (for new equipment without display) is/will be:

From 2010 and from 2013
A. 10 W and 5 W
B. 5 W and 2 W
C. 1 W and 0.5 W

11.) Changing the traffic lights to LED lamp decreases the electricity costs by:
A. 80 % or more
B. 50 %
C. 20 %

12.) What does LED stands for?
A. Lovely Easy Solutions
B. Light Emitting Diode
C. Low Emission Direction

Could 100% of the energy supply be covered by renewable energy in 2050?

A. It will be impossible before 2100
B. It is achievable if there is political will
C. Only if the population remains below the present number.

The answers are here.

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