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Good Practice Case Study Database


Case Study Database 2009In 2009, INFORSE - Europe has opened a new Case Study Database of European examples of good practice in sustainable energy.

If you have an example of an activity or a project that is showing European good practice in realising or promoting sustainable energy, send us a description using the downloadable template, so we can include it in the database. This could be for instance be the change of an entire island to renewable energy, it could be building or transforming a community to use renewable energy efficiently, or it could be a successful way to promote renewable energy on local or regional/national scale. It can even be democratic structures in energy supply that enables citizens and consumers to promote energy efficiency and renewable energy this way.

Go to: Good Practice Case Study Database in Sustainable Energy
- European Examples

Download template here (18kB word doc).

temporarily page

To be included in the new database, send the completed template and three pictures about the example to

Older Editions of the Sustainable Energy Successes in Europe (1998, 2002-2008)

Edition 1998
The first edition "Collection of Sustainable Energy Successes in Central & Eastern Europe" was
published by INFORSE-Europe & European ECO-Forum, June 1998. This collection was one of the NGO inputs to the Aarhus Conference of the European Environmental Ministers' Meeting in Aarhus, 1998. It is available in print from INFORSE-Europe, Denmark.
This publication was accompanied by a poster series exhibited at Aarhus '98 ECO-Forum, which is the NGO parallel event to the Pan-European Environmental Ministers' Meeting.

Edition 2002
The collection was updated with inputs from INFORSE organisations in 2002. This updated version is available online on this web page. In the following map you can see the cases from the first edition in 1998.

Training Centers Added in 2002-2008
Successful European training and demonstration centers and databases added to the collection. Some of these training and visitor centers are INFORSE members and mostly are visited by several thousands every year.


The version in 1998 was created and edited by: Gunnar Boye Olesen and Pia Østerfelt, Niki Fowler (text advise), INFORSE-Europe/OVE, Denmark. Electronic version was made by László Karas and Zoltán A. Nagy Green Spider Network (Hungary). The electronic version was updated by Abigáil Tascón García from Spain, trainee at INFORSE-Europe in 2006. The Training Center Section was updated by Sonia Béthencourt, trainee at INFORSE-Europe in 2008.

The 1998 Edition was done with Contributions from:

  • Eduard Gismatullin, Greenpeace, Russia
  • Emil Bedi, INFORSE-Europe/FAE (Foundation for Alternative Energy), Slovakia
  • Erzsébet Pálfy, E-misszió, Hungary
  • Evgeny Shirokov, Belarussian Division of International Academy of Ecology (BD IAE), Belarus
  • Günther Schwärzler, ÖAR-Energieberatung, Austria
  • Kestutis Navickas, Community Atgaja - Green Movement, Lithuania
  • Marciej Bartmanski, Ecobaltic Foundation, Poland
  • Nedelcu Codruta, Association of
  • Nature Lovers, ARIN, Romania
  • Petr Hlobil, Energy Efficiency Programme, Czech Republic
  • Tore Braend, FoE (Friends of the Earth), Norway
  • Vladimir Dvoretzky, Academic Youth Environmental Club, Bulgaria

    See table of contents and the introduction to the Publication "Collection of Sustainable Energy Successes in Central & Eastern Europe" in 1998.