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United Nations Climate Change Conference
November 29 - December 10, 2010, Cancún, Mexico

COP 16 Cancun messe COp 16 Cancun entrance Polar bear at COP16 COP16 plenary president speaks

Among the INFORSE members, the delegates were:
- Emil Bedi, INFORSE-Europe Coordinator /FAE, Slovakia
- Raymond Myles, INFORSE-South Asia Coordinator /INSEDA, India
- Secou Sarr, ENDA, INFORSE-Africa Coordinator
- Pierre Dembele, Mali Folkecenter / HELIO International
- GERES, France

29.11.2010 - INFORSE's Press Release:
Climate Summit Must Change North-South Cooperation and CDM
Read the INFORSE's Press Release here: (pdf 49.1 kB)

INFORSE proposes a new CDM that shall be efficient to reduce greenhouse gases and that shall be clearly tied to development for some of those that needs it most.
Read the INFORSE's New CDM proposal here: (pdf 51.4 kB)

Southern Voices Capacity Building

3.12.2010: Launch of a new Project: “Southern Voices Capacity Building Programme”
The 2011-2012 Project is coordinated by CARE Denmark and is funded by DANIDA.
The involved INFORSE organisations: The Danish Organisation for Sustainable Energy, VE (Denmark), ENDA (Senegal), and the Mali Folkecenter (Mali), INSEDA (India).

Group photo of NGO representatives at the Launch in Cancun. *
Read more on the Project's website

Top from left: William Chadza, CEPA, Civil Society Network on Climate Change, Malawi; Boubakar Fall, CLACC fellow, ENDA, Senegal; Emmanuel Seck, CAN West Africa, ENDA, Senegal; Hannah Reid, IIED; Ange David Baime, JVE, Ivory Coast, member of WANET CSD; Sherpard Zvigadza, CLACC fellow, ZERO, Zimbabwe; Poul Erik Lauridsen, CARE Denmark; Pierre Dembele, WANET CSD, Mali Folkecenter, Mali; Maiga Mahamadou Farga, CLACC Fellow, Amade Pelcode, Mali; Mónica Lópes Baltodano, Suswatch, Nicaragua.
Bottom from left: Moussa Na Abou Mamouda, AfricaAdapt, ENDA, Senegal (previous CLACC Fellow); Sanjay Vashist, CAN South Asia; Charles Meschack, Tanzania Forest Conservation Group, member of Accra Caucus on REDD and Forests; Achala Chandani, CLACC Fellow Bangladesh, Caritas Bangladesh; Taukei Kitara, TuCAN, Tuvalu; Vivian Lanuza, Suswatch, Guatemala, Fundacion Solar; Raymond Myles, INFORSE South Asia, Inseda, India; Marstella Jack, CAN Micronesia; Maria Isabel Olazabal, Ibis Central America; Peter With, Coordinator, Southern Voices Capacity Building Programme; Mahima Njaidi, Mjumita Forest Network, Tanzania; Raja Jarrah, Care Tanzania, Accra Caucus; Betty, Mjumita Forest Network, Tanzania; Oumar Tankari, Care Niger; Maïmouna Konaré, FEMNET Mali, AWLAE; Elvin Nyakura, CLACC Fellow Kenya, ACTS.
Raymond Myles (left), INFORSE South Asia Coordinator, from INSEDA, India and Peter With, Project Coordinator from CARE-Denmark at COP16 in Mexico.

Looking forward: In spite of the slow negotiations, COP16 is a chance to give the climate negotiations a boost, make an agreement to halt deforestation (in the REDD negotiations), and agree a mechanism for technology transfer, a framework for financing, and a shared vision to limit man-made global warming to 1.5 - 2°C as already stated in the Copenhagen Accord. Further, the countries could agree reductions of aviation and shipping as well as making CDM sustainable. Then the road would be clear for agreements in 2011 on the many other outstanding issues.

INFORSE Members' Side Events:

INFORSE member organisations organised side event: Among others, ENDA and LIFE e.V. :

- ENDA: Hosted by Environnement et Developpement du Tiers-Monde (ENDA-TM)
2 December, 2010, Monarca Room (Cancunmesse Hall D)
Knowledge sharing, capacity building and advocacy for adaptation and climate compatible development ENDA, FARA, ICPAC and IDS discuss knowledge sharing, local knowledge and novel communications strategies - experience of AfricaAdapt.
IIED discussed Capacity Strengthening in LDCs on Adaptation to Climate Change (CLACC) - civil society networks building capacity, awareness and coordinating advocacy.

- LIFE: Co-hosted by Institute of Development Studies (IDS), and LIFE e.V.
3 December, 2010, Jaguar Room
Ulrike Roehr who is also representing the INFORSE member organisation Life e.V took part in an innovating and inspiring new thinking on the social dimensions of climate change event.
What rationales are behind climate change debates? How are they linked to gendered roles, knowledge and responsibilities? The event reflected innovative thinking on these issues from the BRIDGE cutting edge programme and discuss how to create wise, sustainable solutions.
There is a lot of knowledge available on how to mitigate climate change based on local, decentralised technologies and knowledge. Ideas and recommendations were presented how a meaningful participation of women can transcend the barriers to spread and implement this knowledge.

Latest news:

Articles in INFORSE's Newsletter "Sustainable Energy News":

Sustainable Energy News No. 70, October 2010
INFORSE at COP 16 Cancún.

Read the articles related to the COP16:

2-page article
- Climate Negotiations, next steps: Next Stop Cancún.
- Climate Change continues; latest science reconfirms it
by Emil Bedi, INFORSE-Europe Coordinator.

SEN 70 ( 1.9 MB), 12 pages.
SEN 70 Contents ( 31 kB)

Official sites of COP 16:
- UNFCCC official site: UN Framework Convention on Climate Change
- Visit host country website

See INFORSE's Participation at Previous, Present, and Following UNFCCC Conference of Parties (COP):

- INFORSE at UNFCCC COP24 in Katowice, Poland, 2018
- INFORSE at UNFCCC SB48, in Bonn, Germany, April 30-May 10, 2018
- INFORSE at UNFCCC COP23 in Bonn/Fiji, 2017
- INFORSE at UNFCCC COP22 in Marrakesh, Morocco 2016
- INFORSE at UNFCCC SBI44 PreCOP22 in Bonn, Germany 2016
- INFORSE at UNFCCC COP22 in Marrakesh, Morocco 2016
- INFORSE at UNFCCC SBI44 PreCOP22 in Bonn, Germany 2016
- INFORSE at UNFCCC COP 21 in Paris, France, 2015.
- INFORSE at UNFCCC SBI42 Pre-COP 21 in Bonn, Germany 2015
- INFORSE at UNFCCC COP 20 in Lima, Peru, 2014.
- INFORSE at UNFCCC COP 19 in Warsaw, Poland, 2013.
- INFORSE at UNFCCC COP 18 in Doha, Qatar, 2012.
- INFORSE at UNFCCC COP 17 in Durban, South Africa 2011.
- INFORSE at UNFCCC COP 16 in 2010 in Cancun, Mexico.
- INFORSE at UNFCCC COP 15 in 2009 in Copenhagen, Denmark.
- INFORSE's Position Paper on Climate Change (INFORSE's Position pdf file 99kB) at the start of COP15, 7 December, 2009.
- INFORSE's brief analysis of the outcome of COP15 (INFORSE's Analysis pdf file 64 kB), 21 December, 2009.
- INFORSE at COP14 in 2008 in Poznan, Poland.

See other INFORSE participation at UN Conferences