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Energy Networks
(TEN-E's) - Connecting Europe |
The EU supports Trans European Networks (TEN) within the Connecting Europe programme. The support is for transport networks, energy networks and telecommunication networks. This page deals only with energy networks. Read about transport networks at Friends of the Earth - or Transport & Environment.
Support for Trans-European Energy Infrastructure In 2014,
the first groups of infrastructure projects etc of "common interest" was
selected for support of a total of Eur 647 million. In
2011, the European Commission (EC) adopted the proposal for a Regulation
on "Guidelines
for trans-European energy infrastructure" aiming to ensure
that strategic energy networks and storage facilities are completed
by 2020.
The EC identified 12 priority corridors and areas covering electricity,
gas, oil and carbon dioxide transport networks and proposed a regime
of "common interest" for projects contributing to implementing
these priorities and having obtained this label. In addition to corridors,
also other projects of common interest can be selected, such as smart
grid projects. This will be the first time that the EU is co-financing the construction of large energy infrastructure from its regular budget. In the last financial period 2007-2013 the EU financed mainly feasibility studies with EUR 155 million. As an exception, EUR 3.85 billion were invested into energy projects under the European Energy Plan for Recovery, set up in the context of the economic and financial crisis. Priority Corridors Identified in the Regulation PRIORITY ELECTRICITY CORRIDORS (1) Northern Seas offshore grid (“NSOG”):
integrated offshore electricity grid in the North Sea, the Irish Sea,
the English Channel,
the Baltic Sea and neighbouring waters to transport electricity from
renewable offshore energy sources to centres of consumption and storage
and to increase cross-border electricity exchange. (2) North-South electricity interconnections
in Western Europe (“NSI
West Electricity”): interconnections between Member States of the
region and with Mediterranean third countries, notably to integrate electricity
from renewable energy sources. (3) North-South electricity interconnections
in Central Eastern and South Eastern Europe ("NSI East Electricity"):
interconnections and internal lines in North-South and East-West directions
to complete
the internal market and integrate generation from renewable energy sources. (4) Baltic Energy Market Interconnection
Plan in electricity ("BEMIP
Electricity"): interconnections between Member States in the Baltic
region and reinforcing internal grid infrastructures accordingly, to
end isolation of the Baltic States and to foster market integration in
the region; PRIORITY GAS CORRIDORS (5) North-South gas interconnections in
Western Europe ("NSI West
Gas"): interconnection capacities for North-South gas flows in Western
Europe to further diversify routes of supply and increase short-term
gas deliverability. (6) North-South gas interconnections in
Central Eastern and South Eastern Europe ("NSI East Gas"):
regional gas connections between the Baltic Sea region, the Adriatic
and Aegean Seas and the
Black Sea, notably
to enhance diversification and security of gas supply; (7) Southern Gas Corridor ("SGC"):
transmission of gas from the Caspian Basin, Central Asia, the Middle
East and the
Eastern Mediterranean
Basin to the Union to enhance diversification of gas supply. (8) Baltic Energy Market Interconnection
Plan in gas ("BEMIP Gas"):
infrastructure to end the isolation of the three Baltic States and Finland
and their single supplier dependency and to increase diversification
of supplies in the Baltic Sea region; PRIORITY OIL CORRIDOR (9) Oil supply connections
in Central Eastern Europe ("OSC"):
interoperability of the oil pipeline network in Central Eastern Europe
to increase security of supply and reduce environmental risks. The oil
corridor is not expected to receive EU funding PRIORITY THEMATIC AREAS (10) Smart grids deployment: adoption of smart grid technologies across
the Union to efficiently integrate the behaviour and actions of all users
connected to the electricity network, in particular the generation of
large amounts of electricity from renewable or distributed energy sources
and demand response by consumers; (11) Electricity highways: first electricity highways by 2020, in view of building an electricity highways system across the Union; Member States concerned: all. (12) Cross-border carbon dioxide network: development of carbon dioxide
transport infrastructure between Member States and with neighbouring
third countries in view of the deployment of carbon dioxide capture and
storage. Member States concerned: all.
Opinion A
Bit of History In 2003, the Commission proposed a new text to review the guidelines. After more than two years of negotiations, the programme was adopted in 2006. The guidelines of the TEN-E included 9 major axes for electricity and 6 major axes for gas to support transport of gas, and electricity. The EU support consisted of defining the priority projects and more generally establishing favourable conditions for development of these networks, using existing EU and national grants and loans, fast approval procedures etc. The three main objectives are: sustainability, competitiveness and security of supply. The
first guidelines for TEN-Energy were adopted in 1996, including the
list of projects of common interest (Council
Decision 96/391/EC of 28 March 1996).
The list has been then revised three times, in 1997, 1999 and 2003. |