Sustainable Energy Study Tour in Central and Eastern Europe (Poland,
Slovakia, Hungary) for Belarus representatives of local authorities
NGOs from
three municipalities
- Shuchin, Pukhovichi (Marina Gorka), Braslav.
Program English (pdf file), Compendium
English (pdf file, 18 pages, 1.2
Program Russian (pdf file), Compendium
Russian (pdf file, 18 pages,
1.2 MB) |
Fabryczny, Poland
Meet with the Mayor, Stanislaw Bodys,
representatives of the Municipality Council and of local civil
society. Presentation on Rejowiec Fabryczny’s role in the Project " JOIN-IN
- Social Participation in Local EnergyPlanning” in cooperation with
Polish Institute for Sustainable Development and INFORSE.
Visit: Natural gas heating plant, thermal renovated
panel houses. Local Radio made interview. |
Krakow, Poland
AGH University
in Poland" Handout English
(pdf, 3 MB)
“Straw - environmentally friendly use of biomass for energy
purposes” Handout English
(pdf 2 MB), and Russian
(pdf 4 MB)
“Saving Energy in Buildings - Low Cost Measures” Handout
English (pdf
1 MB), and Russian
(pdf 2 MB)
Presentation by Adam Gula, Dr. Prof., AGH University, Faculty
of Energy and Fuels, and NGO KISE
Straw as Biomass for Energy (film) by Wojciech Goryl, PhD
Test Straw Boiler of the University by Krzysztof Sornek, PhD.
Project’s Presentations:
- Energy Assessment in the 3 regions in Belarus.
Presentation by Dzianis Rymko, Energy Institute of the Belarus
Academy of Science.
See more on the Assessment at the web site of
the ECSE
- The Danish Strategic Energy Plan 2030 of Randers, Denmark and a
Municipality in Sweden.
Publication Randers SEP 2030,
and Russian
(pdf, 37 pages, 1.2 MB). The English
and the Danish Versions are available from the web
site of Randers Municipality.
The EU Covenant of Mayors Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAP).
Presentations by Judit Szoleczky, INFORSE.
See more at EU
to test biomass boiler at the AGH University, Faculty
of Energy and Fuels, Krakow, Poland. |
Banska Bystrica, Slovakia
Visit the biomass heating facilitates in the villages financed by
the EU Restructural Fund.
The project was initiative by the Slovakian NGO Friends of the Earth
Presentation and tour by representative of the association of the municipalities,
and by Juraj Zamkovsky, CEPA. Handout English
(pdf 1.5 MB) |
House Renovation at Uj Palota, Budapest, Hungary.
Guided Tour by the architect Attila Ertsey.
Environmental Center (REC) in Szentendre, Hungary
Guided Tour in the Conference Building (renovation and solar installations)
Presentation of REC and REC’s Belarus project.
Presentation of 100% renewable Hungarian sustainable energy scenario.
by Bela Munkacsy, adj. Prof. ELTE University and NGO EEN. Handout English
1 MB), and Russian (pdf 1
Air Heat Pump Exhibition-Demo Room, and an old brick building,
by Lajos Dvorzsak, engineer, Thermo Ltd., distributor of air-heat
North East Hungary
Region, Bukk hill & Miskolc
Bukk Regional LEADER Project: “1 village - 1 MW project”
Tour in several “energy yards” of villages, different renewable energy
technology (solar, straw, biodiesel, greenhouse).
Presentation 100% sustainable energy self sufficient concept for
this region by Lajos Vass, LEADER project. Handout English
(pdf 3 MB) |
installations |
Straw boiler |
house for flower plantation. Heated by CHP plant fuelled by used
vegetable oil, and straw boiler. |
of the Project: |
International Network for Sustainable Energy,
att. Gunnar Boye Olesen,
Judit Szoleczky
E: ove [at] inforse.org |
of Environmental Solutions (CES),
att. Dmitry Burenkin (Project Coordinator) and Olga Astapovich (Press)
E: info [at] ecoidea.by
burenkin [at] ecoidea.by
Energy Agency (SEA), Sweden
E: Cecilia Thapper (coordinator),
Per-Johan Wik (energy planer)
att. cecilia.thapper [at] kfsk.se,
E: per-johan.wik [at] kfsk.se
Supporters of the Project: |
web page has been produced by the Project "Engaging Citizens
in Sustainable Energy to improve environment and local Economy”
(ECSE) with the financial assistance of the European Union and
Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA)
The contents of this web page are the sole responsibility of the ECSE
Project Partners: INFORSE-Europe, Denmark (Project Coordinator), Skane
Energy Agency (SEA) Sweden, and Centre of Environmental Solutions (CES),
Belarus; and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the
position of the financial supporters i.e. European Union and SIDA.