Wednesday 25/9
Opening of the meeting, presentation of
program and participants
by Henning Bo Madsen & Judit Szoleczky, INFORSE-Europe,
Janis Matulis, LaGM, and Mr.Valdis Barda,
Deputy Executive Director of Talsi region Council administration.
Quick Update of European
Policies and Developments to 100% Renewable Energy as part
of sustainable
climate strategies,
and selected national developments
by Gunnar Boye
Olesen, INFORSE-Europe. Presentation
EU - GBO pdf, 0.8 MB.
Climate Negotiations and Results so far, What to Expect at COP29
and Beyond?
by Gunnar Boye Olesen, INFORSE-Europe. Presentation
- UN - GBO pdf, 1.3 MB.
Power in Europe. By Henning Bo Madsen,
INFORSE-Europe. Presentation-HBM
pdf 0.9 MB.
Scenarios for 100% Renewable
Energy for Lithuania
by Domantas Tracevicius,
Circular Economy, Lithuania.
pdf, 2 MB.
Local Sustainable-Energy Tour. Examples
of renewable energy e.g., smaller and big installations of PV,
a new biogas plant from bi waste co-generation
plant. By
Janis Matulis, LaGM, Latvia. Presentation-biogas
pdf (coming).
Open evening, presentations from participants
on topics they work with and that they are interested:
Educational Platform on Circular Economy By
Domantas Tracevicius, Circular Economy, Lithuania. Presentation-Score
DT pdf, 1.4 MB
Thursday 26/9
The Best Mitigation Measures
for Green Deal in Nordic and Baltic countries
from the ongoing
Better Green Deal
project (*) supported by NCM. By
Dag Arne Hoystad, NNV, Norway. Presentation
DAH pdf, 1.9 MB.
Road Map of the Climate
and Energy policy by 2030 and Climate Neutrality by 2050. By
Ms. Aija Timofejeva, Director of the Department of Sustainable
Energy at the Ministry of Climate
and Energy, Republic of Latvia. (Online) - Dialogue
moderated by Janis Matulis, LaGM.
AT LV-GOV pdf 0.6 MB.
Scenarios for 100% Renewable Energy, Energy
Developments in Latvia.
By Janis Brizga, Green
Liberty, Latvia. Presentation
JB pdf, 1.2 MB.
Vision for Transition of Nordic-Baltic region, Belarus
and Ukraine
Result from Better Green Deal project (*) supported
by NCM. By project partners from Denmark,
Sweden, Norway, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine.
for Belarus by Irina Shuki. Denmark
B. Olsen, Vision for Ukraine by Ecoaction.
The Role of Sufficiency
in Climate Mitigation and European Energy and Climate Policies.
and examples
from real
world and from
the research
of the
FULFILL Project (**) funded
by the EU Horizon 2020 Program. By Gunnar Olesen
and Judit
Szoleczky, INFORSE-Europe. Presentation
GBO-JS pdf, 4.5 MB.
GROUP WORK: How do we get sufficiency
into national and local climate policies in each country?
Groups are developing proposals for policies and actions.
back from groups. Group
leaders: Gunnar Boye Olesen, Judit Szoleczky.
Open evening, presentations from
Climate Co-benefits and Targets in the Final NECP Draft
of Bulgaria, Project results of LIFE together for 1.5. By
Radostina Slavkova, Za Zamieta, Bulgaria. Presentation
RS pdf, 1.8 MB.
- to - energy" projects in Latvia by Liene
Krauja, Green Liberty, Latvia. Presentation
LK pdf, 2 MB.
Communities, their Potential in Renewable Energy Developments
in Sustainable Ways, EU and Selected National Policies with
Support and Barriers. Exchange on practical examples.
By Henning Bo Madsen, INFORSE-Europe. Presentation
HBM pdf.
WORK: Development of proposals for policies and actions for energy
Facilitated by Henning Bo Madsen, Bela Munkacsy, Ursel Beckmann,
Arturs Undrests.
Brain storm on future cooperation: policy cooperation,
campaigns, joint projects inside Europe, cooperation with other
INFORSE regions.
Facilitated by Henning Bo Madsen, and Bela Munkacsy.
GROUP WORK in thematic groups for future cooperation,
from groups, discussion of activities.
Saturday 28/9
INFORSE-Europe General Meeting, 10.00-13.00
(*) Better
Green Deal in NNordic-Baltic Countries, Belarus and Ukraine project
supported by Nordic Council of Ministers.
(**) FULFILL Project
on Decarbonisation through Lifestyle Changes funded by EU Horizon2020.