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Metering the effect of energy efficiency

Norges Naturvernforbund, SPARE
(INFORSE member)
age group
9 - 12
Awareness of energy consumption and understanding of energy efficiency.
Ability to read meters and calculate consumption.
Access to home or school energy meters (electricity, gas, oil, etc)

Define a time period for metering energy consumption. Select one week for measuring normal consumption, and a second week for measuring while implementing energy saving behaviour & measures.The task can be used as homework or as group activity at school.

1. Start the first week by reading the meter(s) at beginning and end. Live normally and calculate the consumption for one week.
2. Discuss possible energy efficient behaviours (turning down heat, lights off, short showering, ventilate efficient but short etc) and energy efficiency measures (energy efficient light, sealing of windows, etc).
3. Read the meters and calculate the energy for the 2nd week while implementing energy efficient behaviour and if possible some simple energy efficiency measures. Calculate the consumption for the energy efficiency week.
4. Compare the results for 1st and 2nd week. Discuss the result. Discuss possible outside effects (temperature, different activities during the week) and effect of your own activities - which measures have proved efficient? Anything more you can do in the future?

This measurement task has proved to be efficient to increase the emphasis on energy and energy efficiency for the children and their families. It is often reported back that it helps the family to save resources (and money). It is often an inspiration to evaluate the energy consumption at home and look for additional energy efficiency measures/investments.