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Hungarian-Danish NGO Cooperation Project

The Project was carried out in 2001 among:
The Danish Organisation for Renewable Energy (OVE-Europe & INFORSE-Europe), and 7 Hungarian NGOs working on the field of environment and energy.
The Hungarian NGO organisations were:

E-MISSZIO/EKA - Nyiregyhaza;  ENERGY CLUB - Budapest;  EKOKU - Esztergom;

IEC - Budapest; NIMFEA - Turkeve;  REFLEX - Gyor;  OKOSZ - Budapest.

See "List of the Participating Hungarian Organisations"

The project was funded by the Danish Outdoor Council´s Small Project Fund for Central and Eastern Europe.
The Outdoor Council is a non-governmental organisation founded in 1942. It operates as an umbrella organisation, today with 94 individual national member organisations. They cover outdoor recreational activities as well as nature protection interests.


Study Tour in Denmark May 12-20, 2001
The Study Tour had 15 Hungarian participants from the 7 cooperating organisations.
See "List and group picture of the Hungarian participants of the Study Tour".
The Study Tour was carried out on May12-20, 2001. The group visited the 2 offices of OVE; 5 of the cooperating Energy & Environment Offices (Copenhagen, Aarhus, Viborg, Torup, NIVE); Folkecenter for Renewable Energy and projects around the center (biogas plant, coogeneration plant and climb up into a windmill); Aidt Miljo; School Energy Forum; and 2 eco-villages (Hjortshoj, Torup).

See the "Program of the Study Tour in Denmark" and the "Address List of the Visited Places in Denmark".

The Hungarians made presentations of themselves in 3 places (OVE Aarhus; Folkecenter; KMEK). During the Study Tour we discussed and evaluated how the Hungarians can use the learned knowledge, and new contacts in the future and how we can develop the Mobile Exhibition.

Mobile Exhibition and the Posters
The Mobile Exhibition consists of 4 boxes including:
- Efficient window glass pack with a laser mini thermometer
- Insolation materials for houses
- Efficient lamp bulbs with a meter
- PV powered radio, battery charger and a spring; windmill
- 6 posters ( 42 cm x 60cm) were made with transparent plastic folio coat. They feature the following topics:  insolation of houses, insolation of windows, efficient window glasses, efficient light bulbs, and renewable energy: solar water heating and wind energy.
- An extra poster (30cm x70 cm) features the support by the Danish Outdoor Council with the logo in big size.

See some pictures how they look on the pdf files Mobile Exhibition (51 kB pdf) and Posters (45 kB pdf)

- The Mobil Exhibition was already in 2 places in 2001. (By E-misszio at the East-West Expo, and by IEC at the "Valley of Arts"), and there is a plan to carry it to the other events organised by the others as well.

Idea Catalogue
The Idea Catalogue was collected by the participants after the Study Tour in Denmark. It was discussed during OVE´s visit in Hungary. It includes a lot of good ideas to implement. See "Idea Catalogue"

Energaia Magazine
One issue of the 24-page quarterly Hungarian Energaia Magazine (Nr. 8) was published in 1,500 copies by E-misszio.
It is the magazine of the "Green Energy Network" (ZEH), of which 5 of the cooperating organisations are member of.
The issue includes several articles directly inspired by the Study Tour:
- Front page. Picture of a Danish wind mill and the little bus of E-misszio.
- Editorial, (1 page) Thanking to the cooperation project and for the support of the
  Danish Outdoor Council. Picture from the group visited Denmark
- Danish energy policy and the roles of NGOs. (4 pages). By Gunnar B. Olesen/OVE
- Plant oil technology (2 pages). By Niels Anso/Folkecenter
- Mobile pressure machine for unburned clay stones. (1 page)
- Danish Folkecenter for Renewable Energy (3 pages). By Gabor Szendi / EKOKU
- Compost toilets and sewage treatment (2 pages). By Bela Munkacsy /OKOSZ
- Grøn Guides in Denmark (half page)
- OVE's description (1 page). By Levente Pencz/OKOSZ
- Towards the energy production of the future - Middelgrunden wind mill park (2 pages). By Levente Pencz / OKOSZ
- Address list of the Danish organizations and the Hungarian organisations
The EnerGaia Magazine in Hungarian:
Ener Gaia

OVE's Visit, Lecture Tour in Hungary, June 2001
2 participants from OVE made lectures in 6 places in Hungary:
The events were organised by the participant Hungarian NGOs.
- "SunDay" event, at the EKOKU's Eco-Garden, Esztergom.
- Independent Ecological Center, Budapest
- Public library, Turkeve (Event organised by Nimfea)
- Town library, Gyor (Event organised by REFLEX)
- Zoo Budapest, (Event organised by OKOSZ/REFLEX)
- Hegyalja Festival, Tokaj (Event organised by E-misszio and Energy Club)

Information Material
Connected to the Lecture Tour: articles, public announcements, posters and internet announcements were made.
Articles in Denmark:
- "Renewable Energy and Environment"  (Vedvarende Energi og Miljo) (VE&M)/OVE-SEK, 3/01 June, 2001 and October, 2001
- "E-mil" in the newsletter of Viborg Energy and Environment Office
 - Newsletter of the Copenhagen Energy and Environment Office (KMEK), Nr. 82, June 2001
- Newsletter of Aarhus Energy and Environment Office
Articles in Hungary:
- Articles, invitation card, announcement in the newspaper of Esztergom town
- Poster, web announcement and newspaper announcement of Györ town
- Poster at the Hegyalja Festival in Tokaj town
- Web/email list announcements of the meeting in the HUMUSZ exhibition, in the Zoo, Budapest
- Energaia Magazine (10 articles) (available on web: Ener Gaia or at
It was successful to raise the local TV stations attention in 3 towns (Esztergom, Turkeve and Tokaj at the Hegyalja Festival). In Esztergom, the local TV made 2x 20-minute program about the Study Tour in Denmark, and about the Danish lecture and visit at the Esztergom Eco-garden on the "Sun Day". The Esztergom TV used the private recording of the Study Tour in Denmark made by Szendo Gabor/ EKOKU.
There was made a local radio interview with Gunnar Boye Olesen/OVE as well.

Project's Future
The Idea Catalogue shows that the participants got a lot of ideas to develop further in Hungary. The participants learned a lot and they think that they can use the gained knowledge in their future work in several ways. There is also substantial concrete interest from the participants for future cooperation.