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EU Parliament Elections

Date: July 13, 2004

INFORSE-Europe welcome the new EU Parliament that was elected for five years June 10-13. The previous Parliament became an increasingly important supporter of renewable energy and energy efficiency in Europe, and form INFORSE-Europe we hope that the new Parliament will continue this line, with stronger force.

We ask the new Parliamentarians to cooperate on:

  • A stronger climate strategy for the period after 2012, when the first Kyoto Protocol period ends;
  • Adoption of renewable energy targets after 2010, including a 2020-target. INFORSE-Europe supports the proposed target of 25% renewable energy by 2020 for EU-25;
  • Support for energy efficiency strategies beyond the current proposals;
  • Measures for renewable energy for heating;
  • An end to public financing, loans, and guarantees for fossil fuel and nuclear power;
  • Priority of renewable energy and energy efficiency over other forms of energy in EU external assistance programmes and lending.
  • Creating a better European framework for holistic national sustainability policies, combining environmental, social, and economic sustainability.