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EU Energy Policy:
- Euratom Reform

INFORSE-Europe position on 2/11- 2004

INFORSE Position

INFORSE-Europe supports the proposal of a EURATOM reform, to transform it into a pure regulatory body that has no role in promotion of nuclear power.

Background and Description

By proposing the nuclear package the European Commission is highlighting the need for the reform of the Euratom Treaty, for the following reasons:
1) The Commission is proposing that it, through Euratom, take on new powers to both promote - by increasing the Euratom Loan Ceiling - and regulate - by setting targets for radioactive waste management and new power on nuclear safety. No institution should both promote and regulate nuclear power. - ironically, the draft safety directive states that on the Member State level the regulator must not be concerned with promoting nuclear power.
2) The mechanism to adopt these new powers will not involved the European Parliament in co-decision.
3) The draft legislation calls for the safety assessment of nuclear facilities to remain confidential.

A number of Governments and delegates to the European Convention have stated that the reform of Euratom should be included on this agenda. It is clear that by proposing the further extension of the powers of Euratom the Commission is highlighting the need for the extensive overhaul or removal of the Euratom Treaty from the EU legal framework.

EURATOM Treaty Continue as Parallel to EU Treaty
The intergovernmental EU conference that was convened to form a new EU Treaty did not propose to change the EURATOM Treaty, but left it as an independent treaty with no amendments.

IGC - The way Ahead
A number of NGOs have proposed to call for a special intergovernmental conference to amend the EURATOM Treaty. Some countries support the idea, including Germany, Austria, Ireland, Sweden, and Hungary. It is now crucial to build support from more countries for the proposal, in order finally to amend the EURATOM Treaty, or abolish it.

More info:
- Friends of Earth Europe's website or
- EU's web sites: European Atomic Energy Community: Euratom, and
- EU legislation summary:
Euratom Treaty
- EC Promotion of nuclear non-proliferation: European Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament: Eur-Lex: [COM(2009) 143] March 2009

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