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INFORSE Meetings in Bonn June 5,
NGO Participation in Bonn Renewables'04 Conference in June 1-5

Read a short overview of the outcome of the Renewables'04 and a few NGO comments by Gunnar Boye Olesen, INFORSE, June 9, 2004 (Word doc 29kB)

SEN 46 pdf 351 kBRead also articles from Sustainable Energy News nr. 46 (Sept.' 04):
Pages 3-4:
Conference, Side Event, Exhibition etc., where INFORSE participated.
(pdf file 99 kB)
Page 8:
INFORSE-Europe General Meeting
(pdf 38 kB)


Events where INFORSE was involved
in Bonn, June 1-5, 2004:

INFORSE Exhib Bonn photo by iisd.caExhibition Stand:
INFORSE Participated at the Exhibition Stand as part of the of the exhibition of the NGOs supporting the CURES Declaration
Photo: Judit Szoleczky (INFORSE) , at the stand of NGOSs supporting the CURES Declaration.
(Photo from:

INFORSE Meeting & INFORSE-Europe Meeting
in Bonn at the NGO Center

Date: June 5, 2004, 9.00-16.30

- 9.00-11.00 International activities of INFORSE
Several INFORSE coordinators from other regions participated in this session, where we discussed international activities, South-North cooperation, which international processes INFORSE should prioritise.
- 12.00-16.30 INFORSE-Europe General Meeting

INFORSE-Europe Presentation:
Bonn Unofficial Side Event at the NGO Center
"A Vision for 100 % Renewables by 2050 - Including examples for EU-countries and Eastern Europe."

Date: June 2, 12.30-13.15
Presentation by Gunnar B. Olesen (OVE, Denmark), Ion Zamfir (FOE-Romania), Emil Bedi (FAE Slovakia), Andrej Konechenkov (FAE Ukraine). See presentation here.

Other Unofficial NGO events, where INFORSE participated at the NGO Center:
- CURES Strategy Meeting on May 31 , 13.00-17.00
- CURES Final Meeting, June 4, 14.00-16.00

Official NGO Side Events where INFORSE Participated through INFORSE members:
Dialogues between Germany, Japan, and Korea: Market and Policies, What Makes Differences?
- June 1, 12.00, - By Institute for Sustainable Energy Policies (ISEP) INFORSE member, Japan.

Renewable Energy - Gender Perspectives from North and South
By ENERGIA, International Network for Gender and Sustainable Energy (INFORSE member) Netherlands,, and LIFE e.V., Focal Point, Gender Justice and Sustainability.

Read more: Sustainable Energy News Nr. 45
Downloadable in pdf format from the INFORSE-Europe SEN homepage or INFORSE Homepage
In this issue (Nr. 45) you can read several articles, inputs, opinions of NGOs about the "Renewables 2004" Conference process from Africa to USA.
Read also:
-“Renewables 2004” in Bonn - How Big a Step?" By Gunnar Boye Olesen, INFORSE
- Editorial: "INFORSE Vision: 100 % Renewables in 2050"


From Sustainable Energy News Nr 45: Events around:

Other Events in Bonn besides “Renewables2004”:

In addition to the World Council for Renewable Energy Conference (May 29-31),
and CURES Strategy Meetings (May 30-31), events before “Renewables2004” include:

The Climate Relay in Germany
The KlimaStaffel 2004 is a relay for renewable energy that started at Artefact near the Danish border on May 7 and continues through all German states. It will be carried through its route - 3600 kilometres in total - in climate-friendly ways, such as on bicycles, in renewable-energy-driven vehicles, by runners, etc. It will include the “Climate Relay Declaration”, signed by all the 16 German states that make up Germany, whereby they commit to strongly promote the use of renewables.
On 1 June, it will reach Renewables 2004 in Bonn, where the messages will be handed over to the German Environment Minister. Before that, the relay will have visited all the regional state (Land) capitals, along with an outstanding renewable-energy project in each state. Wind farms and solar installations as well as hydroelectric, biomass-fired, and geothermal power plants will showcase how sustainable energy systems are realized.
The event is organized by the Climate Alliance. Info: and

Local Renewables Conference, May 31
Political representatives of cities from all around the world are invited. They will make presentations, discuss requirements, put forward the positions of the local communities, and discuss a “Local Renewables Declaration”. In addition, individual cities – or networks and associations – are invited to formulate their own, wider-ranging voluntary commitments and recommendations.
Info: .

Youth Energy Summit 2004, May 29-31
The participants will develop proposals for energy change. The results of the YES2004 will be handed over to a representative of the German government in the form of a Youth Declaration. The conference participants will also present their proposals and demands in a public action on the Muensterplatz in Bonn. The Youth Alliance for Future Energy was founded in the preparation for the Renewables2004 and the youth summit.

Side Events:
About 60 official side events are planned during Renewables 2004. In addition, there are NGO events at the CURES NGO center outside the official conference venue and elsewhere in Bonn. Some of the side events are:

* Official Side Events:

Dialogues between Germany, Japan, and Korea: Market and Policies, What Makes Differences? - June 1, noon, by Institute for Sustainable Energy Policies (ISEP), Japan (INFORSE member).

Renewable Energy - Gender Perspectives from North and South
By ENERGIA, International Network for Gender and Sustainable Energy (INFORSE member), and LIFE e.V., Focal Point, Gender Justice and Sustainability.

Wind & Hydrogen in the Martín García Island and Patagonia, June 1, 18-19.30.
by the Argentinian Wind Energy Association,


* Unofficial Side Events:

Science Forum: Forum on research development and education, Sessions organised by the German Solar Energy Research Association, International Solar Energy Society, Wuppertal Institute, and others.
June 1, 10-18, Wissenschaftszentrum Bonn, Ahrstrasse 45. Info:

Changing Paradigms: Perspectives for rural areas through renewable energies and organic agriculture - By the World Wind Energy Association, and the Int’l Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements. June 2, 9-12 am at the WWEA/IFOAM office, Charles-de-Gaulle-Str. 5.

INFORSE and CURES NGO Meetings (See top of the page)