Efficiency Projects:
Homes Turn Green in Baltic Sea Region (URB.ENERGY)
Short description: Germany,
Poland, Lithuania, Latvia,
Estonia and Belarus will improve
the energy efficiency and do
sustainable rehabilitation
of its existing residential
areas, promoting the use of
renewable energy.
Period: 2009-2012
EU contribution: 2,900,000
Industry Goes Green with Building Standards
Short description: The project will produce guidelines with the
best practices, techniques and institutional structures about environmental
considerations for buildings, and improve the building standards after
making a review of the ones in place in Denmark, Germany, Lithuania and
Time period: 2009-2012
EU contribution: 1,900,000 EUR
information: Go
to Energy Efficiency Projects
Programme (OP) in Lithuania in 2007-2013:
OP Cohesion Promotion ERDF: 1 475 mil. EUR; CF: 1 172 mil. EUR
Managing Authority: Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Economy
Implementing Authorities: Environmental projects management agency,
Lithuanian Business Support Agency, Central Project Management
Priority 3: Environment and sustainable development
Measure 3.5: Energy efficiency and use of renewable energy sources
Actions supported (Co-financing from ERDF and CF: 85%)
- Refurbishment and renovation of public buildings seeking to enhance
their energy characteristics.
- Construction of new Combined Heat and Power (CHP) and renovation
of existing CHP seeking to increase their efficiency and capacity.
- Renovation and modernisation of heat boilers supplying district heating
seeking to increase their efficiency and implement cogeneration.
- Refurbishment of CHP and heat boilers to use renewable energy sources
or other more environmentally friendly fuels.
Eligible beneficiaries:
– Municipalities.
– Private sector.