Project "Energy
Literacy for Youth" [ELY] is
capacity building for youth education that supports the
skills and
of young people to become active citizens in the fields
of climate change and renewable energy. Energy
literacy empowers individuals and communities to make informed
decisions regarding energy use, promoting sustainability,
and mitigating climate change. The
target groups are young people (18-25 years old), educators
and trainers,
policy makers and general public. There
will be special focus on inclusivity, and diversity adressing
the knowledge gaps among youth in marginalised groups
with different
socio-cultural backgrounds, disabilities, etc. The ELY
project is financially supported by the EU ERASMUS+ program.
Open Plan Foundation (Poland,
project lead), MigLAB (Germany), YEE - Youth and Environment
Europe (Czech
Republic), Dias Media Group (Cyprus), and INFORSE-Europe.
The project is implemented in five countries - Poland, Czech Republic, Cyprus,
Denmark, and Germany - and will culminate in a final conference in Brussels to
share best practices, outcomes, and strategies for broader adoption of the curriculum
Priority Topics:
and fight against climate change, active citizenship of
young people, youth entrepreneurship including social entrepreneurship,
inclusion and diversity in education and training. Main
- Research and understand the needs of the marginalised
youth and
the existing barriers to become energy literate.
- Create and implement a comprehensive, accessible,
joint curriculum that enables active citizenship on the climate
crisis and how
relates to our energy needs.
- Increase access to inclusive and accessible online resources
climate crisis and sustainable energy.
Ensure the maximal and optimal outreach of the curriculum
through training, and dissemination activities.
Activities are:
Mapping Needs for Youth' Energy Literacy
Develop a research report
that analyses the current state of knowledge regarding climate
sustainable energy production among young people aged 18
to 25 in partner countries - thus assessing the needs to
be met
by the ELY curriculum. This research will include participatory
community research methods to provide
insights into the awareness and understanding of young people
on these
critical issues.
a Curriculum for Energy Literacy
Design an innovative curriculum that integrates
scientific principles, technical knowledge, and democratic
pathways within
the context of climate crisis and energy production.
While the exact content of the curriculum will be defined during
the collaborative work in this work package, the following
topics were pre-discussed by the partners during consortium
formation and will be included according to the needs assessment:
- What is climate
change? The science introduction
- What are the effects of climate change on society: The
climate crisis: Climate Justice: Understanding the
History and Presence; Acknowledge, Act and Repair Historical
Harms; Impact of
Northern lifestyle in the global north for the south; Ways
into the future.
- What is the energy crisis? Energy Resource Tensions; High Energy Consumption; Resource
and material consumption
- Technical
answers to the energy crisis: Renewable
Energy; Energy efficiency and energy conservation; Small-scale
and local solutions for communities.
- Social Answers to the energy crisis: Energy
Democracies in Practice; Energy cooperatives and communities
vs. Transnational Energy Companies; Just Transition.
How to be active for the planet? Grassroots
and Critical Modes of Action; Democratic and Participatory
for Youth Energy Literacy:
- Train the Trainers targeting representatives
of organisations working with youth from diverse backgrounds,
including less
privileged and marginalised groups such as migrant communities
and social initiatives operating in economically disadvantaged
- Direct Trainings targeting youth from diverse backgrounds
(18-25), including less privileged and marginalised groups
such as migrant communities and social initiatives operating
in economically disadvantaged regions. These trainings aim
to empower youth with fewer opportunities to become active
participants in climate change mitigation and sustainable energy
production initiatives.
Dissemination & Outreach
- Organise Decentral Energy Conferences. These conferences
will be organised in all partner countries to bring together
young people, youth educators, and representatives from local
stakeholders. The conferences will serve as platforms for discussing
the future of energy production in each region, with a focus
on energy sources and sustainable practices. Participants will
have the opportunity to share knowledge, exchange ideas, and
explore potential solutions to energy challenges facing their
Central ELY Conference in Brussels. This
conference will serve as a culmination of the project, bringing
together stakeholders from across Europe to discuss
key findings, share best practices, and explore opportunities
for collaboration with at least 50 participants from transnational.
environmental and educational NGOs, European Parliament Factions,
European Commission. The central conference will
a platform for presenting the results of the project, including
insights gained from the decentralised conferences and other
project activities It will also offer networking opportunities
and workshops to further engage participants in discussions.
- Young People (18-25): This group includes
adolescents and young
adults who are of school leaving or university age. They are
a key
demographic for energy literacy education as they represent
future workforce and decision-makers. By educating young people
about energy technologies, climate change, and sustainability,
can empower them to become informed and active citizens in
transition to energy.
- Educators and Trainers: This group comprises teachers,
instructors, trainers, and education professionals responsible
delivering energy literacy education and training programs.
- Young People, Educators and Trainers from marginalised
communities: These communities include individuals
facing socio-economic disadvantages, ethnic minorities, migrants,
refugees, and
people with disabilities. Marginalised communities face barriers
accessing education and training opportunities and are
disproportionately affected by energy related challenges such
energy poverty and environmental degradation. Our project aims
include these communities in energy education and training
initiatives. We specifically target associations that organise
communities with our train the-trainers and direct training
to counteract the educational deprivation effects.
- Policy Makers and Stakeholders: This group includes policymakers
at local, national, and European levels, as well as other
stakeholders involved in energy policy development,
implementation, and advocacy. By engaging these groups, we
to raise awareness about the importance of energy education,
influence policy decisions, and promote the integration of
initiatives into broader policy frameworks.
- General Public: While
not a specific demographic group, the general public represents
a broad audience that benefits from
increased awareness and understanding of energy issues.
Materials will be freely available online for the general