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Training Centers


Little Earth
" De Kleine Aarde"

In January 2017, the Little Earth Network was established after the the Little Earth Center was closed since 2011.
The Little Earth Center has buildings built according to sustainable princilples and ecological gardening. The center was providing education for the visitors through workshops in the different demonstration buildings and gardens. The Center was also heavily involved in the local Agenda 21 process. Little Earth's income came from government grants and earned income from the sale of vegetables, publications, courses and entrance fees.

Which services were provided ?
- Ecological gardening for demonstration.
- 3 demonstration buildings including the Recycling House, the Pyramid House, and the Eco-house
- Accommodation house for students (22 beds) with compost toilets, solar water heating, and a a photovoltaic roof supplying about 30% of the building's annual electricity needs.
- Numerous courses on ecological gardening, whole-food cookery and sustainable building practices.
- Books about food production, building and sustainable lifestyles.

Articles in Sustainable Energy News:
(The issues can be downloaded from the web site of INFORSE.)

  • Eco-Demonstration Centers.
    Article including Little Earth on page 13

    Issue No. 24, p. 12-15, February 1999. (pdf file 230kB)
Name and type of project

Little Earth, Netherlands (De Kleine Aarde)
Demonstration and Education Center

Starting year 1972. Closed in 2011. Reopening efforts since 2015. New Network established in 2017.
New local jobs 18 plus volunteers and graduate trainees
Number of similar projects Living Earth in France, CAT in Wales
Contact details for 
further information

NEW adress to the Kleine Aarde Netwerk (KAN):
Zonnestraal 17, 5283 GN Boxtel
att. Melanie Kusters

The Centers Address: De Kleine Aarde (Little Earth)
Het Klaverblad 13, Boxtel
Ph: +31 411 68 49 21
E: (closed in 2011)