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Training Centers


Living Earth

Based in the beautiful Trieves Valley in Alps Mountains, southeastern France, Living Earth was created in the early 90's. It is a visitor center which aims at providing citizens with advices to improve their ecological behaviour.

Living Earth especially focuses on three areas:
- Ecological gardening
- Ecological housing
- Water saving and waste-water treatment

What can visitors see there ?
- Gardens, where visitors can learn how to grow vegetables and fruits in a sustainable way. Issues like soil, water, biodiversity are addressed. These include a testing area for new ecological gardening products and techniques.
- A permanent exhibition presenting ecological building materials. Buildings of the center are made of these materials.
- The "nega-watt house" permanent exhibition. A "nega-watt" is a watt which doesn't need to be produced because it has been saved. This exhibition explains how a house should be built to save as much energy as possible.
- Water circuit to understand water life-cycle and to learn how to save water.
- Waste-water treatment through reed beds.

Which services are provided ?
Bookshop with many French publications on ecological gardening, housing and cooking. These books are also available on Living Earth's website (in French)
- Magazine "The 4 seasons of the ecological garden". (in French) Published 4 times a year.

- Ecological Grocery shop.
- Bar and restaurant selling ecological products
- Information center where visitors can find advices and information sheets on ecological behaviour.
- Workshops and thematic guided tours (some of them are especially designed for children).
- Adapted activities for school classes and groups.

Articles in Sustainable Energy News:
(The issues can be downloaded from the web site of INFORSE.)

  • Eco-Centers, Theme including Living Earth
    Issue No. 24, p. 13-14, February 1999
    (pdf file 230kB)
Name and type of project
Living Earth
Visitor centre focusing on ecological gardening and housing
Starting year 1990
New local jobs unknown
Number of similar projects None in France. Little Earth in Holland, and CAT and Eden in the UK.
Contact persons for 
further information

Living Earth (Terre Vivante)
Domaine de Raud
38710 Mens, France
Ph: +33 4 76 34 80 80;
Fax: +33 4 76 34 84 02 (only in French)