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Energy Efficiency


Combined Heat-and-Power System

The Oncology Institute is a state-financed non-profit organisation. The Institute's energy needs were previously covered by heat produced in gas-fuelled boilers together with a central heat supply from the Hospital at Bulovka, where the Institute is located.

In 1993, the firm Motorgas Praha contacted the Institute to install a combined heat and power system (CHP). The first unit (140 kW electric and 200 kW heat) was put on line in October of 1993. When the energy savings from the first unit became apparent, Institute administrators decided to install another unit of the same type. This unit went on line in January 1995.

The Czech Energy Agency financed 50% of the cost through an interest-free state loan. The Institute financed the other 50%.

According the contract, the Institute sells the surplus of electricity produced by the CHP unit to the Faculty Hospital at Bulovka. The Institute's management is very satisfied with the 45% decrease in energy expenses that it has experienced since installation of the CHP units.

To date expected and actual results prove that combined heat and power technology brings considerable energy and cost savings. There are several hundred small CHP units installed in the Czech Republic.

Name and type of project 
 Combined Heat-and-Power System at the Oncology Institute at Bulovka, Prague 
Starting year   1993
Overall cost of the project  185,190 USD
Energy amount saved  4,021,270 kWh el. and 5,000,400 kWh heat since the project was initiated
Production cost of energy  0.021 USD/kWh (gas is bought for 0.13 USD/m3 = 0.012 USD/kWh, price of 1/6-98)
Number of similar projects  Several hundred in the Czech Republic
Contact person  Vladan Svana
Motorgas Praha
Na truhlarce 100, Praha 8, 180 00, The Czech Republic
Ph/fax: +420 2 66 08 33 88