PresentationINFORSE Presentation
MembersDatabase: Members, Contacts
SENSustainable Energy News

Follow Us:

1. INFORSE Network Information
The Secretariat has an online database of activities, publications, members and organisational contacts.
Dot Projects - Events
Dot Publications
INFORSE membership
Sustainable Energy News

1000 Sustainable Energy Contacts

The Secretariat has compiled and developed the Worldwide and European Contact Lists Database since 1992. These lists contain about 1000 NGOs and other institutions working with renewable energy efficiency and sustainable energy development.
The Contact List was published in Sustainable Energy News issues until 2002. Since 2003 it is available as online.

You can check Your Contact Details ONLINE!:
- You can see the INFORSE members in each region.
- You can search the Members and the Contacts according to the name of the country, and name of organisation.

If you want your organisation to appear on the Contact List or to update your contact details, please click here to down load the Contact List Form in word doc file (20 kB).
If you have news about your organisation please contact us via:

2. Co-ordination of INFORSE Lobby Activity
The Secretariat facilitates and co-ordinates INFORSE inputs and participation in the global political agenda.

- INFORSE was established by NGOs at the Global Forum paralel to the UNCED conference in 2002.

INFORSE has observer status to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) since 2002, and UN ECOSOC oberver status since 1998..

As observer, INFORSE has been involved in participating at UN conferences. INFORSE also has organised side events and exhibitions at many of these conferences. The major conferences are:

* COP27 in Egypt in 2022
* -SB56 in Bonn, Germany in 2022
* COP26 in Glasgow, UK in 2021
* COP 25 in Madrid, Spain 2019
* COP 24 in Katowice, Poland in 2018
* - SB48 in Bonn, Germany in May 2018
* COP 23 in Bonn/Fiji in 2017
* COP 22 in Marrakesh, Morocco, in 2016
*-SB44 in Bonn, Germany in 2016
* COP 21 in Paris, France in 2015
*--SB42 in Bonn, Germany in 2015
* COP 20 in Lima, Peru, in 2014
* COP 19 in Warsaw, Poland, in 2013
* COP 18 in Doha, Qatar, in 2012
* COP 17 in Durban, South Africa, in 2011
* COP 16 in Cancun, Mexico, in 2010
* COP 15 in Copenhagen in 2009
* COP 14 in Poznan in 2008

- INFORSE organised virual side events at the UN Sustainable Development HLPF Conferences at HLPF 2021 and HLPF 2020; as well as HLDE 2021 and HLDE 2020.
- INFORSE has made several exhibitions and campaigns in relation to the Rio+10 Process like at WSSD in 2002, Renewable Conference in 2004 in Bonn. Read on INFORSE at Bonn.
- INFORSE has participated in the UN CSD process, when energy is among the main issues, e.g., CSD15 (2007), CSD14 (2006) and at CSD9 in New York. Read on INFORSE at UNCSD.

- INFORSE-Europe has an active role on EU energy policy since 2002. Read on INFORSE-Europe on EU Policy.

INFORSE Anniversaries:
In 2022, INFORSE Celebrates the 30-year anniversary of 1992-2022. You can read more on history and activities in the Special issues of Sustainable Energy News:
-30-year anniversary issue Nr. 86, November 2022
-25-year anniversary issue Nr. 81 November 2017
- 20-year anniversary issue Nr. 73 June 2012
-15-year anniversary, issue Nr. 58, October 2007
-10-year anniversary, issue Nr. 38, October, 2002

INFORSE has made an exhibition with 16 posters, and
Brochures for these anniversaries.
4. Publishing of Sustainable Energy News (SEN)
Sustainable Energy News (SEN) is the INFORSE newsletter and is published 1-4 times a year in 2200 copies. The newsletter is distributed to around 1000 receivers all over the world by mail and 1200 receivers by email. SEN contains news on renewable energy from different countries.

Financial Support to postage and printing costs are very welcome. You can pay 25 EUR through pay pal and credit cards on the web page: SUPPORT If you would like to pay bigger amounts, please let us know.

Your contributions in the form of articles, photos or information about events in your country or region are always welcome. Please contact the editors at

5. Maintenance of
The INFORSE Secretariat maintains the Network's homepage, which contains information about INFORSE members, the Regional Coordinators as well as about the network's activities. The web site also includes Sustainable Energy News issues. The issues can be downloaded in pdf format (See above). The database of the Contact List is also searchable online.

INFORSE globe logo

Secretariat of INFORSE
The Secretariat is hosted by INFORSE-Europe.

The Secretariat serves the members of the network through the following areas:
1. INFORSE Network Information
2. Co-ordination of INFORSE Lobby Activity
4. Publishing Sustainable Energy News (SEN)
5. Maintenance of
6. Cooperation Projects &
INFORSE Secretariat
Klosterport 4F, 1. floor
DK-8000 Aarhus C
Phone: +45 86 22 70 00
Twitter: INFORSE_org
Facebook: INFORSE
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