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INFORSE Invites Cooperation on Climate Change
COP5, October ‘99, Bonn
INFORSE is planning a number of activities for the coming Climate Convention Conference in Bonn, October 25 - November 5, including:
presentation of the global goal of deriving 10% of all electricity from wind, with new studies and regional goals. The activities will be held in cooperation with Greenpeace and with the European Wind Energy Association.
INFORSE will continue to press for rules for the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) to ensure that CDM projects will contribute to sustainable development and that they will be open to NGOs (see Sustainable Energy News no. 25).
INFORSE will work for capacity-building among southern NGOs to increase their involvement in the climate negotiations, e.g., on the CDM.

All INFORSE members that are participating in the Climate Conference are asked to notify the INFORSE Secretariat in order to receive information and invitations to conference activities. Further, NGOs interested in the INFORSE climate activities are invited to join the preparations.
Contact: INFORSE Secretariat, att. Asger Garnak, e-mail:
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Sustainable Energy News
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ISSUE #26 (855KB) 18 pages (1999-08-01)
INFORSE Secretariat
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