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CO2 & Climate Change Reach New High
The Worldwatch Institute released its “Vital Signs 1998: The Environmental Trends Shaping Our Future”. It reports that climate change carbon emissions reached a record high worldwide in 1997, totalling 6.3 billion tons, up 1.5% from 6.2 billion tons in 1996. Atmospheric concentrations of CO2 climbed to 364 parts per million, the highest in 160,000 years. With record high world temperatures in 1997, the 14 warmest years since record keeping began in 1866 have all occurred since 1979. Evidence of the warming can be found in melting icecaps, shrinking glaciers in the Alps, and the breakup of the sea ice around Antarctica. It added that “during the 1990s, sales of coal and oil have grown just over 1% a year (or 8% in the last 8 years). Non-CO2-emitting wind power has grown by 26% a year. Growth in the sales of solar cells, averaging 15% annually from 1990 through 1996, jumped a phenomenal 43% in 1997. Contact: Worldwatch, 1776 Massachusetts Avenue, NW; 8th Floor; Washington, D.C. USA. E-mail:
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ISSUE #22, Sustainable Energy News (16 pages) (1998-09-01)
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