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Media, Environment, and Citizens
The first event in an intended five-year co-operation program on media, environment, and citizens, took place this June, in Denmark. The program was initiated by INFORSE as a follow-up to UNESCO’s 5th Conference on Adult Education, which was held in Hamburg in 1997.
The first element of the program comprised a study tour and workshop in Denmark, with 32 participants from 22 countries. The participants visited NGOs, media organisations, ministries, the Parliament, and private companies on an 8-day study tour. This fostered a dialogue that gave inspiration to the subsequent “1st International Workshop on Media Environment and Citizens” held at the European Film College in Ebeltoft. In addition to the participants of the study tour, the workshop comprised participants from the UN Headquarters in New York, as well as from CNN, UNESCO, and various European media organisations. The workshop was organized into two parts. The first part, based on skills and tools, focused on press releases, television, and video. The second part consisted of presentations and discussions regarding an intended five-year co-operation program. The concept of a program was well received by the participants, and is now being developed further by the INFORSE Secretariat. In the meantime, the participants have initiated follow-up initiatives in their own national contexts that are seen as important elements of the overall program. The participants are communicating with each other via a newly established e-mail forum. Among the key elements of the program are regional and global workshops as well as production of directories, guidelines, booklets, manuals, and videos, all to facilitate the contacts and the joint work of NGOs and media. As an immediate follow-up to the Ebeltoft workshop, plans are in progress to produce and distribute a manual/directory on video, film, and TV.
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Sustainable Energy News
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ISSUE #22, Sustainable Energy News (16 pages) (1998-09-01)
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