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Contents SEN 47
front page SEN 47
Editorial p. 2:
What shall I say to my daughters ?

Theme: Women & Energy p. 3-9, 14
• Gender Issues Missing in Climate Talks:
Action Needs to be Taken p. 3
• Where is the Gender Perspective
in the Rio Conventions? p. 3
• Gender is NOT Something to Ignore! p. 4-5
• Gender - the Forgotten Pillar of
International Climate Policy p. 6-7
• Gender-Sensitive Framework for
Rural Electrification Projects p. 8
• Portable CooKit to Save Millions
of Lives p. 9

Europe p.10-13
• EU Policy
- Vision2050 for EU-25
- EU Countries Must do More for EE
- New Records in Renewables
- Discussion on Renewable Energy
Targets and Plans
- EU "Eco-design" Going Ahead
- Will the New EU Countries be
Heaven for Nuclear Power?
• NGO Seminars November’04 in
Brussels & Budmerice
• European NGO Seminar,
September 12-18, 2005, Romania
• News from Russia:
- Climate Info Project
- From Warm House to Warm Heart
• Polish School Children “Concerned
for the Earth”

Asia / Women & Energy p.14
• INFORSE South Asia Cooperation:
Energy for Poverty Reduction
• News from AIWC, India
• Integrated Development with Biogas,
also a Solution for Rural Women

Publications p. 15
- Renewable Energy, 3rd Edition,
- Limits to Growth the 30-year update,
- The Unbelievable World Energy Outlook,
- Green Power Vision and Strategy for Canada
Aalborg University Study Possibility
World Habitat Award
Back page p. 16
- Anti-nuclear Petition Sign Up
- INFORSE Coordinators
INFORSE globe logo
Published in
Sustainable Energy News
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ISSUE #47 (350 kB pdf file) 16 pages (2004-12-21)
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