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Contents SEN 45
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Editorial p. 2:
- INFORSE Vision: 100 % Renewables in 2050 !
World/INFORSE p. 3-4
- “Renewables 2004” in Bonn - How Big a Step?
- INFORSE Activities
- Events in Bonn
Africa p. 5-6
- Renewables Can Get South Africa Working
- Clean Energy Program in Namibia
- What are Benefits of Renewables?
Europe p. 6-11
- Initiate CUBs in Your Country
- EU-Update: Eco-design, Emission Trading, “Link” directive, Nuclear Package, Energy Package, EU Parliament Elections
- INFORSE-Europe’s New School Education Activity for 2004
- Renewable Heating & Cooling
- Russian Energy Brigades Created
- Renewable Program for Romanian Energy Brigades
- Task for Men & Women Alike?
- Quickstart for Local Climate
Americas p.10-11
- U.S. Clean Energy State Funds in Bonn
- Clean Energy Now in the US !
Asia p. 12-13
- New Continuation of the Action Program for Improved Cook Stoves in Nepal
- Solar Dryers to Generate Income for Poor Women in India
- New Center in Malaysia
Pacific p.13:
- Wind Energy Education in the Pacific Islands
Calls p. 14
- Call for WISIONS to Sustainability
- Call for Closure of World Bank Climate Fund
- Call for the Seed Awards
Publications /WEB sites p.15
- Impact of Structural Changes in the Energy Sector of CEE Countries on the Creation of a Sustainable Energy Path. By Central European University and others
- 101 Solutions The DIY Guide to Climate Change By e Greenhouse Trust, Cartoons from Polyp.
Events p. 15-16
- INFORSE Seminar August 22-28 Spain
- Announcements of 2 Universities and CAT courses
- Sign Antinuclear Petition A Million Europeans