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Common Declaration from Environmentalists and Workers
Parallel to the EU summit in Cardiff in June, representatives of the environmental network European Environmental Bureau (EEB) and of the European Trade Union Congress (ETUC) met and agreed upon a common declaration on environment and employment. They call upon the EU and the member countries to realize that employment policy is an integrated part of sustainable development and vice versa. They further call for full integration of environmental concerns into the coming EU guidelines on employment. They propose that the guidelines include: an ecological tax reform that would create jobs by reallocating taxes from labour to capital and natural resources; targeted reforms of indirect taxation to lower taxes on environmental products; revised public subsidies for the benefit of those uses that contribute the most to sustainable development, e.g., energy efficiency and renewable-energy supply; use of EU structural funds to support sustainable development and employment. The common declaration is a result of a European project concerning green job creation initiated by Forum for Energy Development, Denmark and General Workers Union in Denmark (SiD). The project addresses environment and employment in particular Spain, Italy, UK, Germany, and Denmark. Project reports from these countries are available. The EEB and the ETUC will continue to work together towards a socially and environmentally sustainable Europe. Further information: EEB Brussels (John Hontelez), ph: +32-2-289 1090; ETUC Brussels (Willy Buschak), ph: +32-2-224 0411; SiD, Copenhagen (Ole Busck), ph: +45-33972401.
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ISSUE #22, Sustainable Energy News (16 pages) (1998-09-01)
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