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Graduate Student Forum on Distributed Electricity Services in Africa
Cape Town, South Africa, 1-6 June ‘99
The Science, Technology and Environmental Policy Program of the Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton University, together with other collaborating institutions, is organising a forum to investigate the prospects for distributed electricity services in developing countries with particular focus on Africa.
The Forum will be held from 1-6 June 1999 in Cape Town. Participants will include graduate students from the collaborating institutions and other universities, Eskom (the South African electric utility) and officials from South African Energy Ministries.

The core components of the Forum are:
- Preparation and presentation of policy papers by student participants
- Students workshops facilitated by expert participants to grapple with difficult technical and policy issues; and
- A joint forum resolution making specific policy recommendations to encourage economically efficient and environmentally progressive use of distributed energy service concepts.

The forum is expected to:
- Educate student participants about trends in and prospects for distributed electricity services with an emphasis on environment and development implications;
- Promote on-going collaboration among student and expert participants;
- Generate and disseminate creative policy oriented research regarding this critical emerging field; and
- Influence public policy towards the rapidly evolving electricity sector.

More information: Daniel Kammen, STEP Program, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University, Five Ivy Lane NJ 08544-1013, USA. Ph: +1-609-258-2758, fax: +1-609-258-6082/2394,
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ISSUE #25 (529KB) 16 pages (1999-05-01)
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