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Belarus Green News
With support from the Danish environmental assistance for Central and Eastern Europe, the Belorussian environmental youth movement “Belaya Rus” is now publishing a monthly newsletter “Zelonije Novosti” (Green News). The main target of the newsletter is Belorussian youth groups and schools, but an English summary will be made for international contacts. The project is co-organised with OVE, the Danish Organisation for Renewable Energy, and includes an environmental information tour in Belarus.
Information: Natasha Petrushkevich, Belaya Rus, Scaruna Av. 65,
PB 65, 220027 Minsk.
Ph: +375 17 2399129, fax: +375 17 2313049,
e-mail:,, and
Gunnar Boye Olesen, OVE, Gl. Kirkevej 56, 8530 Hjortshoj, Denmark. Ph: +45-86-227000, fax: +45-86-227096, e-mail: