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Low-cost Water Heater
By A. Jagadeesh, Nellore, India
A simple solar batch water heater can provide hot water for half the price of a normal solar water heater, and still keep the water warm during the night.
Mr. A. Jagadeesh of the Nayudamma Centre for Development Alternatives (NCDA) - INFORSE-member - has developed such a system. It uses two stainless steel drums, reflectors, and a cover of clear polyethylene. The cost of a 100 litre solar heater of this design is about $ 150.
Information: A Jagadeesh,
Nayudamma Centre for Development Alternatives,
2/210 1st floor, Nawabpet, Nellore, 524 002,
Andhra Pradesh, India.
Ph:+91 -861-321580/-324806,
fax:+91 -861-330692/-331848,
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Home Power, April/May 2000, .