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Theme: Sustainable Energy to Combat Desertification
Sustainable Energy & The Convention to Combat Desertification
On November 16-25, 1999, the countries of the world meet in Recife, Brazil for the third Conference of Parties (COP) for the Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD).
In INFORSE, we hope that the countries will use this opportunity to take a big step ahead in the implementation of the Convention, e.g. by using the provisions in the Convention for sustainable energy, inspired by the practical examples shown in this publication and elsewhere.

The main provisions for sustainable energy in the Convention are:

Article 10, National Action Programs:
All countries affected by desertification will make national action programs with practical measures necessary to combat desertification and mitigate the effects of drought (from art. 4.1).
.....national action programmes include, as appropriate, inter alia, measures in some or all of the following priority fields.....:
- promotion of alternative livelihoods and improvement of national economic environments.....;
- demographic dynamics;
- sustainable management of natural resources;
- sustainable agricultural practices;
- development and efficient use of various energy sources;
- institutional and legal frameworks;
- strengthening of capabilities for assessment and systematic observation,..... (art. 4.4)

Article 19; Capacity Building, Education, and Public Awareness
The Parties shall promote, as appropriate, capacity building:
- By providing appropriate training and technology in the use of alternative energy sources, particularly renewable energy resources, aimed particularly at reducing dependence on wood for fuel; (art. 19.1f)

Article 12; International Cooperation
Because renewable energy and efficient use of energy are included as measures promoted by the Convention, a number of more general provisions also apply for these measures, e.g.:
- the countries should co-operate on technology transfer as well as in scientific research, development, information collection and dissemination, and financial resources. (from art. 12)

Information about UNCCD, and COP3 in Recife, Brazil: UNCCD Secretariat,
Haus Carstenjen, Martin Luther King Strasse 8, 53175 Bonn, Germany.
Ph: +49-228-815 2800, fax: +49-228 2898/99, e-mail:,
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Sustainable Energy News
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ISSUE #27 (762KB) 16 pages (1999-11-16)
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