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INFORSE Lobbies to Influence the UN CSD9 Process
Before the world’s countries meet to discuss sustainable energy at the UN Commission for Sustainable Development’s 9th Session (CSD9), May-June 2001, an expert group will meet three times to set the agenda. The first meeting will be in March 6-10, 2000 in New York. It will be an open-ended working group with country experts and access for NGOs. After some debate, the Northern Co-Chairman of the expert group has been elected. It is the Austrian Irene Freudeschuss-Reichl. The Southern Co-Chair is the Iranian Mohammad Reza Salamat.
INFORSE Pushes Progressive Targets
From INFORSE, we plan to be present at the CSD9 Expert Committee Meetings and use the opportunities to advocate for truly sustainable development in cooperation with other NGOs and progressive countries. INFORSE will propose that the countries use CSD9 to agree upon quantitative targets for renewable energy sufficient to achieve a sustainable development. The targets should be followed by action plans to realise them.
We also recommend the creation of an international institution for sustainable energy and strengthening of existing institutions’ sustainable energy activities.
Call for NGO Comments
INFORSE will work to influence the World Energy Assessment (WEA), a major input to CSD9 by two UN bodies and the business-based World Energy Council, to be more supportive of sustainable development. We will use the opportunities as a NGO-network to influence the second draft that is open for comments now. As far as time allows, we will involve interested INFORSE members in this activity via e-mail. We propose that as many NGOs as possible get involved in this, directly or via, e.g., INFORSE.

More information about the WEA process and draft report is available on-line at:
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Sustainable Energy News
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ISSUE #27 (762KB) 16 pages (1999-11-16)
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