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INFORSE - East Africa Position to UNFCCC for COP26 - 19 October, 2021
INFORSE - East Africa Position to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Conference of the Parties (COP26), in Glasgow, UK in November 2021. (6 pages).
We the Civil Society Organisations under the umbrella of the International Network for Sustainable Energy (INFORSE East Africa) coordinated by SusWatch Kenya, TaTEDO - Centre for Sustainable Energy Services, Tanzania, and Uganda Coalition for Sustainable Development would like to share our position ahead of the 26th Conference of Parties (COP26) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), due to take place in November 2021, in Glasgow, UK.
This position flags out the following priority issues that we think negotiators at COP26 must take into account in their deliberations, as they have a direct effect on climate action in East Africa that is under threat from extreme weather stresses including drought, floods, Locusts etc. These include climate finance, adaptation, mitigation, as well as issues failed at the COP25 negotiations in Madrid in 2019 that were pushed to COP26.
We, therefore, urge the UNFCCC Parties to grab the historical opportunity, learning from the mistakes of the past, and lead the way to a safe, sustainable 100% renewables future for the Earth. It is technically possible to shift from the fossil era to renewables while sustaining economic growth. There is a need to implement the already committed pathway.
We also urge for prioritization of local climate and sustainable decentralised solutions rather than centralised ones, which also increase sustainable development. We call for a departure from the idea of any investment in unsustainable, unsafe solutions for the earth, which are a gamble on our future.
This Civil Society Position Paper towards the UNFCCC COP26 was prepared by a team of NGOs, which are member of INFORSE cooperating in the “East African Civil Society for Sustainable Energy and Climate Action (EASE & CA) Project’. The organisations include INFORSE-East Africa members and coordinators: TaTEDO, UCSD, JEEP, Suswatch, and NFRE, & INFORSE Global Secretariat.
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