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About INFORSE-Africa

INFORSE- Africa is one of the 7 regions of the International Network for Sustainable Energy (INFORSE). This worldwide NGO network was formed at the Global Forum in Rio in 1992. INFORSE has more than 140 member organisations worldwide. See: INFORSE Brochure (2 pages, 2022, pdf file 550 kB)

INFORSE works for implementation of sustainable energy solutions by exchange of information, awareness creation, formulation and implementation of strategies, and lobbying of international forums. The network is a meeting place for NGOs working at the grassroots level as well as at national, regional and international levels. The member organisations are all united on a common strategy for long-term sustainable development that phases out nuclear and fossil energy use.

The INFORSE network facilitates practical and political exchange of NGO experiences, liaises with concerned multilateral agencies, generates political and public awareness and seeks support for NGO activities.

INFORSE lobbies to promote sustainable energy solutions - renewable energy and energy efficiency - that utilise decentralised approaches. All activities seek to protect the environment, and to achieve development.

INFORSE Structure
The member organizations and the regional coordinator(s) organize regional meetings and initiatives including conferences, workshops, campaigns, and research projects. The regional meetings are the foundation of the network's democratic structure, with discussions of regional action plans and worldwide initiatives. INFORSE's coordinators work on regional action plans, secure regional focal points and coordinate with other  INFORSE regions. The Coordinators represent the views and initiatives of each region in the planning of the network's global activities.

INFORSE Activities

- NGO cooperation project: INFORSE Synergies Across Continents - West Africa - East Africa - South Asia - Latin America in 2022-23.
- NGO cooperation project "East African Civil Society for Sustainable Energy & Climate Action (EASE-CA)" Project in 2019 - 2023.
- The NGO cooperation Project "Accelerating Implementation of Regional Policies on Clean Energy in West Africa" (ACE-WA) is bringing togethers several INFORSE members from West Africa in 2016 - 2018.
- The NGO cooperation Project "Promoting the Implementation of the Paris Agreement in East Africa" (PIPA) is bringing togethers several INFORSE members from East Africa in 2017 - 2018.
- The NGO cooperation Project "Promoting Pro-Poor Low Carbon Strategies" brought together several INFORSE organisations and CAN organisations in 2014-2016.
- The Southern Voices for Climate Change Capacity Building Project involved several INFORSE members in 2011-2014.

Global Activities
INFORSE has Consultative Status with the UN ECOSOC, and UNFCCC. Comments, workshops, statements, exhibitions are prepared for several United Nations or Ministerial events and their parallel NGO Forums, including:

  • Climate Conferences (UNFCCC) Conference of Parties (COP)
    Read links to proceedings on INFORSE Africa at the UN.
  • INFORSE at Climate Conferences, UNFCCC Process since '95 (COP29, COP28, COP27, COP26, COP25, COP24, COP 23, COP 22, COP21, COP20, COP19, COP18, COP17, COP16, COP15, COP14)
  • Follow up of the Rio Conferences, UN CSD Process. (UNHLPF2020, UNHLPF 2021, CSD 15, CSD 14, CSD9 New York, WSSD & Civil Society Forum, Johannesburg, 2002)
  • European Environmental Ministers' Meeting ´98
  • 5th International Conference on Adult Education ‘97
  • UNESCO World Solar Summit ‘96
  • World Summit for Social Development ‘95