The Integrated Sustainable Energy
and Ecological Development Association (INSEDA) is a Indian national organization
formed by NGOs involved in
the promotion of renewable energy programmes with special focus on
the implementation of biogas development in rural areas of the country.
has over 50 Indian NGOs as members and was registered as a national
society in 1995.
INSEDA's aim is to
facilitate process oriented, sustainable human development (SHD) in partnership
with local organisations.
members are all working to promote sustainable energy technologies
with special emphasis on poverty reduction in rural India. Since
1995, INSEDA
has been the regional coordinator of INFORSE. It is also engaging
in specific projects in cooperation with members, see annex 6. INSEDA
received some support from Forum for Energy and Development and has
received support
from other (non-Danish) NGOs.
The highest body in INSEDA is the general assembly of members that
elects the board which currently has seven members: five representatives
the member NGOs, the secretary general, and a business representative.
The secretariat of INSEDA has 3-4 persons and is headed by a secretary
general. In addition INSEDA has advisors on a number issues such
as gender, micro-financing, biogas, financial monitoring and field
workers for specific
projects (presently 5 field workers and 48 field volunteers).
Latest INFORSE-South Asia Cooperations Projects
- Eco-Village Development in South Asia (2015-17,
Pro-Poor Low-Carbon
Strategies in Asia, Africa and Latin America (2014-16)
- Southern Voices on Climate Change (2011-14)
- Poverty Reduction - Manual
on Renewable Enegry Technologies (2005-2008)
att. Raymond Myles,
Ph: +91-11-6450 0730
Fax: +91-11-2554 4905
Mobile: +91 9212014905
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