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Promoting the Implementation of the Paris Agreement in East Africa (PIPA)
2017 - 2018

East Africa NGO Cooperation Project:

Three NGO organizations of INFORSE-East Africa (Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania) cooperate to contribute to strengthen the pro-poor focus and climate change ambitions in the implementation of the Paris Agreement in East Africa.
As a result it is aimed that Low Emission Development Strategies (LEDSs) and National Determined Contributions (NDCs) incorporate civil society viewpoints and recommendation.
The Project is coordinated by SustainableEnergy, which is an INFORSE-Europe member organization.

Project Title:
Promoting the Implementation of the Paris Agreement in East Africa (PIPA).

Brief overview of Project activities:

  • Mapping the current situation on NDCs, LEDS, nationally and regionally
  • National inceptions including national launches, strengthening of involved CSO networks and inviting other stakeholders.
  • National and regional knowledge sharing / capacity building CSO workshops
  • Development of climate strategy recommendations based on practical cases
  • Dialogues, meetings and communications with national officials in charge of climate and development including of NDCs and LEDS
  • Regional climate policy briefs and participation in regional workshops/gatherings/ conferences and meetings with regional institutions and their officials
  • Participation in climate negotiations in Bonn and COP23 (primarily to follow negotiations on NDCs, LEDS, GCF).
  • In addition, participation in relevant climate financing events. International policy briefs and one issue of Sustainable Energy News Communication with like-minded CSO networks including sharing experiences and lessons learned with INFORSE West Africa.

Project Duration: February 2017 - June 2018

INFORSE SUSWATCH INSEDA Side Event and Exhibition UNFCCC SB 48  Bonn May 1 2018

April 30 - May 10, 2018
UNFCCC SB48 in Bonn
INFORSE-SusWatch-INSEDA Side Event & Exhibition

Launch of SB48 Policy Brief

See: Program & Presentations

East Africa Panel:
Richard Kimbowa, UCSD, Uganda;
Nobert Nyandire, SusWatch, Kenya;
Jensen Shuma, TaTEDO, Tanzania;
Dr. Charles Mutai, Director, Ministry of Environment & Natural Resources, Kenya
Download: Presentations of the East Africa Panel (pdf)

May 6, 2018
Talanoa Dialogue: Story from Uganda by Richard Kimbowa. Download: (1 page pdf)

April 2018
Sustainable Energy News #82: including 3-page article on PIPA Project PDF file (pdf, 1.7 MB)
- UNFCCC Side Event Program May 1 2018
UNFCCC POlicy Brief May 1 2018
Sustainable Energy News: Issue No. 82 April 2018

November, 2017
The LVEMP II Civil Society Watch E-bulletin
Issue: November 2017
Article: Southern CSOs at COP23 in Bonn Call for Stronger NDCs, LEDS and ‘ParisRulebook for Poverty Reduction and Local Village Development

SEN 81 INFORSE 25 years issue

November 9, 2017
UNFCCC COP23 Side Event
Title: Proposing Stronger NDCs, LEDS & Paris Rulebook for Poverty Reduction and Local Village Development
- Proceedings: UNFCCC COP23 November 9, 2017 and
- UNFCCC COP23 PIPA Policy Brief PDF file (2 pages)
- Sustainable Energy News #81: including 3-page article on PIPA Project PDF file (pdf, 1.7 MB)

UNFCCC COP23 Side event
Presentations from East Africa:
- Kenya: by Velma Oseko, Suswatch (pdf 1.4 MB)
- Tanzania: by Mary Swai, TaTEDO (pdf 0.6 MB)
- Uganda: by Richard Kimbowa, UCSD (pdf 0.3 MB)

How can developing countries and the climate benefit from stronger NDCs and LEDs by Stephen Kinguyu, Climate Change Direct., Ministry of Environment of Kenya.
Policy Briefs & Publications:
Uganda Policy Brief: Delivering Climate Finance to Implement Uganda’s National Determined Contributions (NDCs) by UCSD, Uganda.
Date: May 2018
Download from UCSD web page. Direct link: Pdf link from UCSD
Tanzania Policy Brief: INDCs in Tanzania. How has it Adressed Unsustainable Use of Biomass Energy by TaTEDO,
Date: 11 December, 2017.
Download: Pdf link from TaTEDO
Kenya Policy Briefs/Information Sheets by SusWatch:
- A call for active involvement of Non-State Actors in the implementation of the Kenya Green Economy Strategy and Implementation Plan (GESIP), May 2018.
- Climate Financing in Kenya: How far are We? February 2018.
- Shedding light on the Kenya Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC), August 2017.
Download from SusWatch.
East Africa Regional Poilcy Brief
by SusWatch Kenya, TaTEDO, Tanzania and UCSD, Uganda
Date: February, 2018.
Download: Policy Brief (pdf, 1.5 MB)
East Africa Regional Poilcy Brief
by SusWatch Kenya, TaTEDO, Tanzania and UCSD, Uganda
Date: August, 2017
Policy Brief (pdf, 0.4 MB)
PIPA Policy Brief May 2017

Policy Brief to Publications:

East Africa Regional and National Baseline Studies

Download: Policy Brief, Bonn, UNFCCC SBI46, 12 May 2017 PDF file (2 pages, 0.8 MB)

PIPA East Africa Regional Baseline Study _Publication: East Africa Regional Baseline Study
_Download: Full Report, May 2017 PDF file (73 pages, 1.6 MB)
_Download: Summary, May 2017 PDF file (14 pages, 0.8 MB)
PIPA Kenya Baseline Study
_Publication: Kenya Baseline Study
_ _
_Download: Kenya Report, May 2017 PDF file (42 pages, 0.6 MB)
PIPA Tanzania Baseline Study _Publication: Tanzania Baseline Study

_Download: Tanzania Report, May 2017 PDF file (55 pp, 1.2 MB)
PIPA Uganda baseline study
_Publication: Uganda Baseline Study

_Download: Uganda Report, May 2017 PDF file (51 pages, 0.5 MB)


Reginal and National Events & Workshops:
Inception meeting in February
May 21-24, 2018
Nairobi, Kenya
PIPA Project Meeting, INFORSE East Africa
& INFORSE Coordinator's Meeting
April 9-13, 2018
African Climate Week, Nairobi, Kenya
SusWatch, UCSD and TaTEDO participated
April 6, 2018
Uganda Talanoa Dialogue, Kampala, Uganda
Organised by UCSD
April 4-6, 2018
Climate Talks Kenyatta University
Tree Planting at a Primary School, Nairobi, Kenya
Organised by SusWatch
February 22-23, 2018
Regional Workshop on "Creating Momentum for Bottom-up Climate Action in East Africa" in Kampala, Uganda.
SusWatch, UCSD and TaTEDO participated
October 4, 2017
Climate capacity-building workshop bringing together more than 20 participants from civil society, media, and academia in Nairobi, Kenya.
October 3-5, 2017
CSO Participation at the African LEDS Partnership (AfLP) Annual Event and the Second Africa Mini-grids Community of Practice meeting, in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire.
The theme of this year’s event was the integration of low emission development strategies into the development priorities of the continent as put forward by the African Union’s Agenda 2063 – The Future We Want – and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
October 11-13, 2017
Multi-stakeholder meeting on the UNFCCC COP23 held in collaboration with the Kenya Climate Change Working Group (KCCWG) and coordinated by Kenya's Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources’ Climate Change Directorate (CCD) in Central Kenya.
22 August, 2017
Coalition Workshop in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
July 27, 2017
SusWatch Kenya presented a Policy Brief to the Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of Kenya. The brief provides information on the Paris Agreement, Kenya's Nationally Determined Contributions and the gaps that the PIPA Project partners identified in it and the modalities of addressing them.
June 22, 2017
Knowledge sharing regional workshop on "Project: Promoting Implementation of the Paris Agreement" in East Africa. Boma La Ngombe, Tanzania.
May 4, 2017
First Capacity Building Workshop in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
April 25, 2017
First Capacity Building in Nairobi, Kenya

April, 2017
First Capacity Building in Kampala, Uganda

31 January- 3 February, 2017
Joint Inception Meeting in Nairobi, Kenya


TaTEDO in Tanzania / INFORSE-East Africa Coordinator:
- and direct link to Projects

Suswatch Kenya:
Direct Project Link:

Uganda Coalition for Sustainable Development (UCSD): and
Direct Project Link: UCSD's PIPA Project

Direct Project link:

PIPA Project:

The project is supported by the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs through the CISU Fund for Climate and Environment.