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Event: UN HLPF2020 INFORSE side event 15 July 2020 New York (virtual)
Local Climate & Sustainable Energy Solutions, South Asia, East Africa, Eco-Village Development, 100% Renewables
- Gunnar Boye Olesen, INFORSE
- Alan Bigelow, Solar Cookers International
- Kalyani Raj, All India Women’s Conference
Local Solutions in East Africa:
Uganda /Regional: Richard Kimbowa, UCSD & JEEP
Tanzania/Regional Catalogue: Mary Swai, TaTEDO
Kenya: 100% Renewable Energy in Kenya, Justus Munyoki, Suswatch
Eco-Village Development in South Asia
Bangladesh / SDGs: Sohel Ahmed, Grameen Shakti
India/regional: Sanjiv Nathan, INSEDA
Nepal: Shovana Maharjan, CRT/N
Sri Lanka: Dumindu Herath, IDEA
Moderator: Judit Szoleczky, INFORSE.
Topics: Local sustainable energy and other climate solutions: improved cookstoves & water mills, solar cookers, solar dryers, biogas, solar home systems, solar street light, organic farming, rainwater tank, composting basket. using local material, like bamboo, reuse waste). Calculate Climate Mitigation/CO2. Microcredit. Poverty Reduction. Eco-Village Development Concept: Planning with public participation. Gender/Women’s roles. 100 % renewables scenarios (e.g. Kenya).
Organised by INFORSE with Solar Cookers International (SCI), All India Women Conference (AIWC), Grameen Shakti, and with NGOs: from INSEDA, India; CRT, Nepal; IDEA, Sri Lanka; Suswatch, Kenya; UCSD & JEEP, Uganda; TaTEDO, Tanzania.