INFORSE is present in the development of the Conference of the Parties No. 28 of the UNFCCC, through an exhibition and two parallel events.
INFOIRSE at UNFCCC COP28, December 2023
INFORSE exhibition at UNFCCC COP28, stall in the Blue Zone
Stand No. 1. Date: December 1-6, 2023
Organizers: INFORSE (Global Network), AIWC (India), INSEDA (India), Suswatch (Kenya) and SE (Denmark) INFORSE Cooperation regions of South Asia – East Africa – Europe.
Sustainable lifestyles, sufficiency, policies to reduce emissions from wealthy lifestyles, transition to 100% renewable energy, inclusion in new NDCs. Results of new research on sufficiency in Europe and India. Focus on gender. Online catalogs of local solutions in Africa, S.Asia. Development of ecovillages.
UNFCCC COP28 Side Event, Blue Zone
Date: Friday, December 8, 2023, Time: 11:30-13:00, Room: Room SE 1
Title: Local and 100% renewable solutions: Africa, South Asia and climate resilience and local poverty reduction
Description: Showing community and ecovillage development: transition to 100% renewable energy, climate mitigation, adaptation and resilience with social collateral benefits, income generation, food security, livelihoods, gender. Online catalogs. Examples Participatory planning and training in Africa, South Asia and around the world. – Organizers: Global Ecovillage Network (GEN International), INSEDA (INFORSE-South Asia), Nordic Folkecenter for Renewable Energy, SusWatch. – Speakers: Anna Kovasna, Community Resilience and Kincentric Leadership to Address Catastrophic Climate Change, GEN; Daniele Pagani, Nordic Folkecenter for Renewable Energy, Denmark; Sanjiv Nathan, INSEDA India and INFORSE-SA; Anzoo Sharma, CRT Nepal; Nobert Nyandire, SusWatch Kenya; Mary Swai, TaTEDO, Tanzania, INFORSE-EA.
UNFCCC COP28 Side Event, Blue Zone
Date: Saturday 9 December 2023, Time: 15:00-16:30, Room: SE Room 7 Title: Sustainable lifestyles, Sufficiency in support of fair climate action, Stronger NDCs