During the last COP27, INFORSE organized a side event titled “Local climate: sustainable energy solutions in the Global Stocktake (GST), why, how and from where addressing local solutions is important for climate objectives and should be better included in the GST ”. Local climate solutions from 3 continents were presented, explaining how to include them in GST, with an overview of the changes they can make for global climate mitigation, adaptation, faster GHG reductions, poverty and gender equality.
Expectations from COP 27
“Climate Action at a Critical Time” from “Sustainable Energy News” Nº86 by INFORSE (Nov. 2022): Climate Action at a Critical Time
As the world struggles with many conflicts and crises, it is important to rapidly increase climate action and to complete the transition to sustainable energy. In addition, effective and sustainable climate actions mitigate some of the other crises that we face. This is why we in INFORSE continue to focus on climate action, inside and outside the climate negotiations.
UN Climate COP27 and What next?
A short overview of the results of COP27, November 2022 and some next steps by Gunnar Boye Olesen, INFORSE: INFORSE on COP27 What Next