Publication of “Synergies Across Continents” INFORSE Cooperation Project, 2022-23
“Local Solutions Proposed for Climate Action & Development and Policies to Promote & Scale-up Local Sustainable Energy Solutions”
The Publication was developed by INFORSE Coordinators in Africa, Latin America, South Asia and Europe, as part of the project INFORSE Synergies Across Continents.
The publication is available in English, Spanish, French and Portugeuse.
The 12 Important Local Climate- and Energy Solutions:
1. Improved cookstoves, to reduce biomass overconsumption and to make cooking cleaner for the hundreds of millions, who still rely on traditional biomass use and who cannot afford expensive alternatives.
2. High-efficiency improved cookstoves. Next generation of cookstoves with over 50% efficiency.
3. Biogas, household scale. Clean alternative to traditional energy sources, for families with animals.
4. High-efficiency electric (e) pressure cookers, replace, with very little electricity use, charcoal and other cooking fuels, where electricity is available.
5. Efficient charcoal making, avoiding the huge energy waste of traditional charcoal production, particularly in Africa.
6. Briquettes from biomass/agri-waste and from charcoal dust, reducing unsustainable biomass use through more sustainable alternatives.
7. Solar home systems, to provide electricity for millions who still lack it.
8. Mini-grids, to provide electricity for all purposes in villages and towns outside electric grids or with weak electricity connections.
9. Increasing the efficiency of light- and power use, to reduce the consumption of electricity without reducing its benefits; optimization measures can lower power demand by 30%-80%..
10. Electric two-wheelers to replace the millions of fossil-fueled scooters that are driving up fossil-fuel demands and costs in many developing countries.
11. Electric three-wheelers, to replace fossil-fuel driven “tuk-tuk”s and other small vehicles for local transport.
12. Solar dryers, to preserve food and to replacing fossil-fuel and electric drying.
Read more on the project in English and download the Publications from: as well as in Spanish and in Portuguese.