Influencing Global Agenda: INFORSE participates in UN events and their parallel NGO forums such as conferences of the UN Climate Change Convention and follow-up of the Rio Conference “Earth Summit” 1992.
Structure: INFORSE is organized around the regional coordinators, who are working to facilitate cooperation among the member organizations. In INFORSE Europe, the members elect the coordinators and a five-person Board at the General Meetings.
Contact list: 1000+ contacts on NGOs, research and educational institutes and decision makers. The database is searchable according to the members, contacts or name of the organizations and countries. Find the contact list here.
Events: INFORSE organizes NGO seminars on the international level also and conferences of UNFCCC and UN SDG.
Cooperation projects: Members are cooperating in projects, publications, study visits and campaigns.
INFORSE became 30-year old in 2022. See also the 30-years anniversary issue of Sustainable Energy News here.
INFORSE became 25-year old in 2017, INFORSE-Europe celebrated the 25-year anniversary at a seminar at the Nordic Folkecenter for Renewable Energy. See also the 25-years anniversary issue of Sustainable Energy News here.
INFORSE became 15-year old in 2007. INFORSE-Europe celebrated the 15-year anniversary at a seminar at the Danish renewable-energy island Samsø. See also the 15-years anniversary issue of Sustainable Energy News here.