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ToT Manual of Eco-village Development Frontpage
PUBLICATION: Manual ToT Eco-Village Development (EVD) in South Asia - 2018
Socio-Technical Manual for Training of Trainers:
Manual on Participatory Planning, Technology and Knowledge Transfer of Eco-Village Development in India, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh
Available in English, Hindi, Bangla, Nepali, Sinhala.
Published by the Eco-Village Development (EVD) Project Partners: INFORSE, INFORSE-South Asia, INSEDA in India, CRT/N in Nepal, IDEA in Sri Lanka, Grameen Shakti in Bangladesh, CAN-South Asia and DIB (project coordinator in Denmark).

From the Contents:
1. Introduction
2. Participatory Planning
3. Planning and Organizing Implementation
4. Cooking Solutions and Improved Cook Stoves
5. Off-grid Solar Power and Lighting
6. Rooftop Rain Water Harvesting
7. Household Biogas Plants
8. Organic Composting
9. Organic Agriculture in General
10. Solar Drying of Crops, Spices, Herbs
11. Solar Greenhouse
12. Improved Water Mill (IWM)
13. Biomass Waste for Rural Brick
14. Other A. - Wind Turbine, B. - Hydraulic Ram Pump,
-- - C. - Micro-Irrigation Systems,
-- - D. - Solar Street Light, E. - Solar Water Pump,
-- - F. - Parabolic Solar Cooker, G. - Improved Kitchen


Case Studies:
1 - Collecting Baseline and Village Planning, India.
2 - “Anagi” Improved Biomass Stove, Sri Lanka
3 - Biomass Waste for Brick Production, Sri Lanka
4 - Hybrid Wind Turbine, India
5 - Solar Powered House, Bangladesh
6 - Village Development Plan, Sri Lanka
7 - Solar Water Pump, Bangladesh
8 - Organic Vegetable Farming, Nepal
9 - High-Value Tree Plantation, Nepal

Construction Manuals:
- Bamboo Reinforced Cement Mortar Water Storage Tank
- Bamboo Woven Compost Basket

English ISBN: 978-87-970130-3-8 (PRINT), 978-87-970130-4-5 (PDF), 132 pp.
INFORSE - International Network for Sustainable Energy

Read more on the project at

Download the publication in English, Hindi, Bangla, Nepali, and Sinhala from the link below:
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Project: EVD - Eco-village Development in South-Asia, 2015-18-23
Event: INFORSE at UNFCCC COP24 Katowice, Poland - Side Event & Exhibition Dec. 2018
Event: UNCD2020 INFORSE Side Event Local Climate Solutions - 26.11.2020 (virtual)
Event: UN HLPF2020 INFORSE side event 15 July 2020 New York (virtual)
Event: UNFCCC COP26 INFORSE Side Event & Exhibition: Nov 5 2021
Event: UN HLPF2021 INFORSE Side Event at 13 July, 2021, New York time (Virtual)
Event: UNFCCC COP27 INFORSE Side Event & Exhibition: 12 Nov. 2022
Event: UNFCCC COP28 INFORSE Side Event: Local Solutions, 100RE - Dec 8 2023
Event: Webinar: Eco-Village Development in South Asia - Our Results - 18 Dec 2023
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