Sustainable Energy News from 1992 - to present (2022)
Quarterly/Biannual Newsletter of INFORSE
Published since 1992.
Dowloadable in pdf format from the website.
Among the Themes are: Energy & Poverty, Gender. Climate and Energy
ISSN 0908-4134
You can:
- read about INFORSE and other NGO activities.
- follow the UN Processes concerning energy and climate from an NGO point of view.
- find good readings on the Publication list
- find seminars and conferences to join at the Event�s List.
Among the Themes are:
- Poverty
- Women
- Education
- Climate
- Desertification
- Financing
Until 2002, every second issue includes a 12-page Sustainable Energy Contact list (2 parts) including 800 organisation working on the field of Sustainable Energy.
You can see the front page and the contents of each issue. You can also download the issues in pdf file.
You can also download the Contact List from the Publications part of this web site.
and it is online and searchable from 2002 at:
Link: www.inforse.org/s_e_news.php3